Added on 9 October 2023

This weekend has brought distressing news of events in the Middle East.  We refer in particular to the harrowing events in Israel and Palestine, as well as an earthquake on the western borders of Afghanistan. We affirm our friendship and offer our support to all those affected. 

In particular, the DPC has written today to colleagues in the National Library of Israel and at Ex Libris expressing our concern for their well-being and safety. We hold their work in high esteem, and value their friendship even more so. We join our thoughts with many around the world in praying for the safety of their loved ones at a time of great distress, and for an end to violence. 

Knowing that peace, justice and truth are aligned, we celebrate those who create and preserve the digital record of our turbulent times, and insofar as it is in our power, we offer them our full professional support and recognition.

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