20 March 2018 | 10:00 - 16:15 (GMT) London | Bloomsbury House


With volumes of data increasing, and budgets to manage these data unable to keep pace, investments in digital preservation must be strategic and targeted to ensure the best value for money more than ever before. To help organisations develop sustainable and cost-effective solutions that meet particular and distinct needs, they will first need to understand what is driving their investment and where it will have the most impact.

This will require decisions around appropriate infrastructure—not only in terms of hardware and software—but also in terms of the skills and resources that can feasibly be employed within the organisation.

One solution for optimising the impact of such investments in digital preservation may be through sharing infrastructure, resources and effort among complementary institutions.

Collaboration requires effort, commitment and a realisation that retaining effective local control might mean letting go of some tasks and commissioning external parties to do things more efficiently on a contractual basis. The switch to collaboration, sharing information and sharing resources to manage budgets for digital preservation may be easily justified in financial terms, but a programme of “education” and “culture change” is inevitable for this approach to be a success.

Whether organisations are reliant on local or external preservation infrastructures, it is widely accepted that we are all required to work smarter and to demonstrate the impact investments year on year. This will remain the same all the way up the infrastructure stack towards national and international provision of infrastructure. The measures of effectiveness may change radically depending on the context but the need to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of investment remains a constant.

This open event is designed to share lessons learned about shared services in the context of research data management, and how these may be applied to groups of complementary organisations of every type, in every sector.

Presentations will:
  • Identify the benefits and opportunities which are derived from sharing resources and infrastructure
  • Identify the challenges to sharing and how these might be met
  • Present use cases where services are currently being shared
  • Introduce the Research Data Shared Service as a potential mechanism for sharing services

Would should come?

  • Grant holders
  • Programme managers
  • Collections managers, librarians, curators and archivists across all sectors
  • Records managers in institutions with a need for long-lived data
  • CIOs and CTOs in organisations with particular dependence on digital records
  • Vendors and developers with digital preservation solutions



  • 1500 - Tea and Coffee
  • 1520 - Roundtable discussion chaired by William Kilbride, DPC

  • 1600 - Close


Can’t make it?

This is the second in a series of 3 public events scheduled for 2018. If you are unable to attend this session, please follow the DPC website events pages for updates and more opportunities to become involved.

DPC members will be able to watch a live stream of the event from this page on the day, and recordings will be made freely available to all after the event. We’ll also be tweeting from the event using the hashtag #SharedServiceDP


 Illustration by Jørgen Stamp digitalbevaring.dk CC BY 2.5 Denmark

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