This online event will take place on the 5th of July at 1pm UTC/2pm BST(click here for your local time)
The DPC's Web Archiving and Preservation Working Group is pleased to invite you to the latest in a series on the main steps of a web archiving workflow. Previously, we've examined how to crawl or capture web pages and this time around we're going to examine how to quality assure those captured web pages.
Quality Assurance is a challenging and complex topic. How much QA is appropriate or cost effective? What issues are a priority to check for, identify and rectify? How can software tools be employed to aid in the process? These are just some of the questions we will explore. A range of presenters will share their workflows for quality assurance, giving the audience an opportunity to see how different sized institutions tackle this challenge. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, allowing you to learn from the community and contribute your thoughts, requirements and expertise.
13:00 - Introduction
13:10 - Nicola Bingham and Carlos Rarugal, UK Web Archive, British Library
13:50 - Amanda Lehman, Library of Congress
14:20 - Break
14:30 - Hassan Feissali, The National Archives (UK)
15:00 - Final thoughts/discussion
15:30 - Close
Web Archives and QA - Write up for this event by Ed Summers
The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. We encourage diversity in all its forms and are committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation, whilst remaining technology and vendor neutral. We ask all those who are part of this community to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.
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