We are delighted to invite DPC Members to attend a DPC Members’ Unconference and Networking Event in Dublin!
This event will take place face-to-face* over the course of two days and will form part of a worldwide program of Member networking activities which aims to offer events in locations in other parts of the world as scheduling permits (details to follow in due course).
In addition to meeting and networking with other members of the Coalition, we will have an exciting program of fast-paced member led talks and discussions, giving you the opportunity to take the floor and exchange ideas, showcase work and discuss key themes.
*Given the nature of the activities, we do not plan to offer online attendance at this event but aim to provide written highlights.
DPC Members login to register below.
This DPC Members’ Unconference is exclusively for DPC Members and is designed to privilege operational staff working directly on digital preservation. We are particularly keen to hear from:
Junior staff recently appointed and looking for opportunities to build their professional networks;
New entrants to digital preservation seeking to apply professional know-how to this new field;
Experienced practitioners who have clear insights into the challenges of digital preservation in their own institutions.
Senior staff, researchers and students are also welcome, though it is practical knowledge exchange that will be most prominent.
We’ve gathered all of your suggestions for sessions and we are excited to share our preliminary program for this years' DPC Annual Member Unconference and Networking Event.
Whether you have a task you want to work on with others, a fresh idea or solution you want to demo, or topics you want to discuss to learn from others’ experience, the program provides a space for DPC Members to achieve all of this!
Each session will last approximately 45 minutes and will follow one of these three formats:
Discuss: Pick the collective digital preservation hive mind and start a discussion about a topic
Learn: Demonstrate and share solutions or workflows so that others can learn from your experiences.
Share: Show and tell presentations of recent work, new ideas and achievements (or failures)
DPC Members - Login to view the slides from the sessions
Timing |
Activity |
10.00 – 10.30 |
Registration open, tea and coffee provided |
10.30 – 10.40 |
Welcome and introduction to the Unconference |
10.40 – 11.00 |
Presentation of the topics for discussion (organised into categories) |
11.00 – 11.10 |
Break: Time to shuffle into groups |
11.10 – 11.55 |
Plenary room Fixity File Checking in the CloudGen Schmitt, University of Illinois Medusa, the University of Illinois digital preservation repository system, recently conducted its first comprehensive fixity check of all digital artifacts since transitioning to an AWS cloud-based architecture. This involved calculating the MD5 checksums of over 17 million objects totaling more than 250 TB of data, requiring a careful balance of cost and efficiency. While performing fixity checks was previously a straightforward task, the cloud infrastructure presented new complexities. Now that this process has been successfully completed, we aim to share our methodology, challenges encountered, and our strategy for ongoing data integrity checks in the cloud environment. Type: Share |
Breakout Room Developing an Irish language Digital Preservation terminology baseLisa Griffith, Digital Repository of Ireland The Digital Repository of Ireland (DR) is working with téarma.ie (the National Terminology Database for Irish), and a wider expert advisory group, to compile a standardised set of Irish language terms relating to Digital Preservation. This list will build on earlier work that has been done to compile standardised Irish language terms for archiving by identifying terms that are missing, compiling standardised definitions for these activities, and then working with Téarma to come up with an Irish language equivalent. The DRI hopes to publish this list on World Digital Preservation Day 2024. The purpose of this session is to seek input and guidance from the community on a draft list of terms, to identify gaps in the list before translation and review English language definitions of terms. The session will be run by the DRI and Téarma. Project advisory member Niamh Ní Charra will also be on hand. Type: Discuss |
11.55 – 12.05 |
Break + Reshuffle |
12.05 – 12.50 |
Plenary room File format identification and validation error treatmentSofie Ruysseveldt, Digital Archives Flanders Digital Archives Flanders is a division of the Agency for Facility Operations from the Flemish Government. We provide shared services for preservation, management and dissemination of government information, both records and archives. These shared services are available for all departments and agencies of the Flemish Government, cities, municipalities and other government agencies in Flanders. Regularly, we encounter issues with troubleshooting identification and validation errors when using tools such as Siegfried, JHOVE,… . This is a core process within digital preservation practice. Nevertheless, there is not much shared documentation that describes what to do when files are e.g. not well-formed or invalid, nor best practices on processes and workflows to treat these errors. I am interested to find out how other digital archivists/ organisations are dealing with this:
Type: Discuss |
Breakout Room Reading Club: Toward a Conceptual Framework for Technical Debt in ArchivesJenny Mitcham, DPC In this DPC Reading Club session we will discuss Toward a Conceptual Framework for Technical Debt in Archives - Déirdre Joyce; Laurel McPhee; Rita Johnston; Julia Corrin; Rebecca Hirsch: https://doi.org/10.17723/2327-9702-85.1.104 We only ask that you have done the reading that has been set before the session and bring along your thoughts and observations to share. When reading the article, have a think about the following questions which we will discuss together:
Type: Discuss |
12.50 – 13.00 |
Regroup and reflect |
13.00 – 14.00 |
Break for Lunch |
14.00 – 14.10 |
Plenary session: Mentimeter voting on priorities for DPC support in the coming year |
14.10 – 14.15 |
Break + shuffle |
14.15 – 15.00 |
Plenary room DPC-led session |
Breakout Room DPC-led session |
15.00 – 15.10 |
Break + Reshuffle |
15.10 – 15.55 |
Plenary room A Lovely Day for Digital Preservation: Two public-facing digital preservation projects at the Guinness ArchiveEibhlin Colgan and Leanne Harrington, Diageo The Guinness Archive recently embarked on two large collaborative projects with digital preservation and access at their core. The Guinness Adverts project in partnership with the Irish Film Institute and Coimisiun na Meain, sought to remaster, preserve and make available the brand’s advertising legacy of 16mm and 35mm film adverts. Guinness was the most prolific advertiser on Irish television between 1955 and 1995. The advertising collection features a wealth of talent from both behind and in front of the camera. The remastered files have been ingested into the IFI’s digital preservation framework. The Guinness Archive partnered with Ancestry to digitise employee records from the St. James’s Gate brewery and 250,000 pages of trade ledgers, recording sales to individual bottlers and publicans across Ireland, the UK and further afield from 1860 to 1960. The images and their metadata are hosted by Ancestry and will be preserved and made available at the Guinness Archive using Preservica. The nature of the data has presented complex challenges to work through from both an access and a preservation perspective. Type: Share |
Breakout Room Appraisal of born-digital archival collectionsNicola Caldwell, NLNZ I’m interested in finding out how other digital archivists are tackling appraisal of large and complex born-digital archival collections. We carry out quite granular appraisal currently for born-digital collections, but are struggling to scale this for large multi-format cultural heritage collections. Are there tools, frameworks or computational techniques that have worked to reduce the manual, human, time-consuming nature of content appraisal? I’m wondering if anyone is using AI/ML tools - do they work, what are the policy/ethical frameworks used? I can provide an overview of the case study I am working through at the moment that includes manuscripts, photographs, AV materials, website and social media archives from the one donor. Then could use that as a starting point to discuss how different organisations might tackle that collection if it came to their institutions. If others are keen to collaborate on a session of this topic, I am very open to that! Type: Discuss |
15.55 – 16.30 |
Feedback of actions |
An additional optional series of activities is available on Tuesday afternoon/evening, including:
Professional visits to DPC Member institutions in Dublin:
Visit to the Guinness Archive, followed by a tour (and pint) of the Guinness Storehouse (15 maximum)
Visit to the Irish Traditional Music Archive (10 maximum)
Social dinners (DPC Members log-in to sign up to join us for dinner at one of 3 local restaurants)
Professional visits are strictly limited to the numbers indicated, attendance will be on a first come first served basis and will be confirmed by the host organisation. If you would like to attend one of the visits, please contact sarah.middleton@dpconline.org in the first instance.
Timing (local time UTC+1) |
Activity |
09.15 – 09.30 |
Tea and coffee |
09.30 – 09.40 |
Welcome back to the Unconference |
09.40 – 09.50 |
Break: Time to shuffle into groups |
09.50 – 10.35 |
Plenary room Simplifying the ingest workflow– The SIP Creator projectJulie Jordens, Digital Archives Flanders Digital Archives Flanders is developing a tool that simplifies the ingest towards our digital repository (the E-depot). Currently, our clients often have to re-upload a SIP because various errors were made against our metadata model. With our SIP Creator tool we want to prevent those errors and streamline their ingest workflow. The creation and uploading of SIPs in the E-depot will be simplified as the tool can easily map our clients’ metadata model to our model, automatically read and fill in metadata in the import template, generate SIPs that conform to the requirements of the E-depot, and finally place the SIP on the customer's FTPS environment, from where it will be picked up by the E-depot. We have now completed the development of the first phase. In this phase, the basic functionalities for the tool were developed. In the second phase of development, we want to focus on preparing analog archives so that they can also be shown in our E-depot. I would like to showcase the tool as it stands now and receive feedback from the sector. To achieve this, I would like to organise a short demo followed by a discussion where suggestions and comments can be given. Type: Share/discuss |
Breakout Room Our Heritage, Our Stories: a Towards A National Collection project - Supporting Preservation and Linking of Community Generated Digital ContentRebecka Rosenberg , Karyn Williamson & Paul Wheatley, OHOS Our Heritage, Our Stories: Linking and searching community-generated digital content to develop the people’s national collection is a Discovery Research Project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, as part of the Towards a National Collection programme. The University of Glasgow is working in partnership with DPC to explore all stages in the life cycle of Community Generated Digital Content (CGDC), what makes it inherently fragile, and why it is important to “bake-in” preservation actions throughout its creation, management, and storage. We will explore the wider ecosystem of CGDC: the types of content it includes; the communities of practice that are stakeholders in creating, managing, and using this material, including funders; the known and unknown uses of CGDC; and the underlying infrastructures that support this material: all factors in making CGDC a very endangered species of digital content. This panel session will highlight the progress made to date in the OHOS project in scoping the preservation challenges of CGDC, and what can be done practically to ensure its long-term preservation and recognition as part of the wider national collection of the UK. It will also introduce the idea of how a post-custodial framework for holders of CGDC addresses some of the challenges in managing this material. We will present the project’s draft recommendations around supporting CGDC holders and ensuring the survival and discoverability of this content. We will also share our initial thoughts around our practical toolkit, aimed at holders of CGDC, with practical guidance, sign-posting and advice on good practice. We welcome feedback and initial thoughts by members of the audience, which will further develop our thinking as we move into the last year of the project. Type: Discuss |
10.35 – 10.45 |
Break + Reshuffle |
10.45 – 11.30 |
Plenary Room FAIR-IMPACT support programClara Lines and Daniel Turner, DCC FAIR-IMPACT project aims at supporting the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services. One way in which it is doing that is through supporting teams from three key stakeholder groups (research performing organisations, repositories and data services providers, and national level initiatives) with grants or mentoring to help them increase the FAIRness of their practices. The first round of support actions, now completed, focused on FAIRness assessment methods and FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate. Currently ongoing actions are offering 1:1 support to develop FAIR-Implementation action plans and grants to test different tools and methods such as the guidelines developed in the project to improve the transparency of and trust in repositories developed, or the Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT) for self-assessment of compliance with EOSC PID policy (we could discuss this tool in more detail if there is interest). Additional open calls for support will open later in the year. We would like to offer an overview of these support actions. It would be great if any participants of the support actions are attending the event and they would like to present their experience too. Type: Share |
Breakout Room Starting a new digital preservation program and using RAMJacqueline Devereaux Asaro, Vanderbilt University Special Collections and University Archives Vanderbilt recently hired a director with a focus on digital preservation. In the past year, the department has initiated a program to develop a sustainable digital program. I recently started in March as the new Born Digital Archivist, and in the first month, I completed a RAM assessment for the department. I would love to make connections with others who are starting off on their digital preservation journey, hear about filling out the assessment, or any other offers of advice for starting out! Type: Discuss |
11.30 – 11.40 |
Break + Reshuffle |
11.40 – 12.25 |
Plenary room Building and supporting the digital preservation communitySarah Middleton, DPC As the DPC grows internationally, we are asking ourselves how best to support our members around the world – whilst also interacting with and supporting other aligned and existing networks, associations and communities of practice. We will be joined at the DPC Unconference by colleagues from Australasia, the Americas, the iPres Conference Steering Committee and the iPres Start to Preserve sub-committee (and most likely others too!) and we’re keen to discuss how we can work together to support each other. Join this discussion to share your ideas about what a digital preservation community means to you, and the kind of support you’d hope to receive from the community as we grow. Type: Discuss |
Breakout Room Preserving access-quality born-digital collectionsAilie O’Hagan, QUB Many born-digital collections were created with access in mind, capturing events ‘of the moment’, using outdated technological standards, or retaining only lower quality, compressed representations, suitable for sharing, but not ideal for longer-term preservation. In some cases, e.g., university e-theses, the procedure for submission (now an entirely digital process), calls only for access copies. Yet, if we choose to exclude collections based on the unavailability of appropriate preservation originals, do we risk creating inequalities that unintentionally bias our collections in the long-term, against lower-budget, often arts and humanities, and community research? So how do we address the preservation challenges of our pre-existing digital collections and inherited legacy work? What practical decisions can we make to balance inclusivity with stakeholder capacity? What should be our baseline significant properties? Are there tools and strategies that can make our access-quality files more preservable? And what are the ethical and technical implications of these? Type: Discuss |
12.25 – 13.00 |
Reflections / Feedback of actions / Wrap up |
13.00 |
Thanks and close |
*subject to change
All DPC Members are invited to attend. Full Members may register up to 3 delegates and Associate Members may register 1 delegate for the DPC Members Unconference.
Registration is now closed. If you wish to attend, please email sarah.middleton@dpconline.org
The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. We encourage diversity in all its forms and are committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation, whilst remaining technology and vendor neutral. We ask all those who are part of this community to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.
Copyright © 2025 Digital Preservation Coalition | Charity Number SC051077
Unless otherwise stated, content is shared under CC-BY-NC-SA Licence