3 Feb 2025 - 7 Feb 2025 UTC
Free to attend and open to all, the Digital Preservation Workflow Webinar series will showcase just some of the digital preservation workflow processes developed and implemented by the digital preservation community. Each speaker will present their workflow, which represents a part of the digital preservation process or a particular digital media or content type, before we open the floor for discussion and a chance to ask questions.
Webinar Series Program
Monday 3rd February
Episode 1 (14:00-15:30 UTC) click for local time
- A pre-ingest workflow for fixity, metadata extraction, backup and registration on the Digital Asset Register
University College Cork - Raelene Casey
- CUL’s ingest workflow into AWS Cloud
Cambridge University Library - John Gostick
- The effective preservation of archaeological virtual reconstructions
International College Portsmouth - Panos Papageorgiou
Episode 2 (19:00-20:30 UTC) click for local time
- Preserving born digital content in the Gray Digital Preservation Repository
Ohio State University - Dan Noonan
- Current and possible future states of digital preservation workflows at Clemson Libraries
Clemson University Libraries - Kelly Riddle
- Developing and implementing an ingest workflow at the LDF
Legal Defense Fund - Ashton Wingate, Shelby Wong
Tuesday 4th February
Episode 3 (14:00-15:30 UTC) click for local time
- Video Digital Asset Management (VDAM) at MoMA
The Museum of Modern Art - Sarah Gentile
- From Scratch: Building a Sustainable Born-digital Workflow in LOC’s Manuscript Division
Library of Congress - Kathleen O'Neill
- Bulk packaging and ingest of archival collections; developing an ingest/pre-ingest workflow for born-digital materials; leveraging ChatGPT to automate key digital preservation tasks
Yale University - David Cirella, Lauren Work, Grete Graf
Episode 4 (19:00-20:30 UTC) click for local time
- Digital Preservation workflows at the QDR
Qualitative Data Repository - Dessislava Kirilova
- Digital Preservation email workflow from accessioning to access
NYC Dept. of Records - Kelli O'Toole
- Automating the Creation of Digital Objects in ArchivesSpace for Preserved Digital Content
New York University Libraries - Don Mennerich, Joe Pawletko, and Margo Padilla
Wednesday 5th February
Episode 5 (14:00-15:30 UTC) click for local time
- A workflow for archiving digitized historic books
Universität Basel - Jürgen Enge
- Digital Preservation Workflows at CSC
CSC – IT Centre for Science - Mikko Vatanen
- Migrating to a new digital preservation environment
Africa Media Online - David Larsen
Thursday 6th February
Episode 6 (19:00-20:30 UTC) click for local time
- Pre-ingest, accessioning, and processing workflows for born-digital special collections
University of Chicago - Ashley Locke Gosselar, Emily Schartz
- Northwestern’s born digital repository workflow
Northwestern University Libraries - Veronica Lee-Smith Robinson, Kelsey O'Connell
- Implementing an ingest workspace for uploading images to S3 at scale
California Digital Library - Eric Lopatin
Friday 7th February
Episode 7 (03:00-05:00 UTC) click for local time
- An ArchiveSpace-DSpace workflow for archival objects
National Centre for Biological Sciences - Ojas Kadu
- Digitization and digital preservation of legal deposit books and newspapers
National Library Board of Singapore - Chelsea Chin
- Jester: an ingest tool to package and ingest into Preservica
State Library of South Australia - Chris Jones
- An end-to-end workflow enabling public authorities to securely transfer records and metadata of permanent value
Queensland State Archives - Stefania Di Maria
Each episode will conclude with an introduction to the Community Owned Workflows (COW) COPTR wiki, as we invite speakers and participants in the webinars AND the wider digital preservation community to share their own workflows!
Who should attend?
This series of events will interest:
Those starting out in digital preservation and looking for workflow inspiration
Those looking to find out more about simple workflow using free tools
Those looking for ideas to improve or enhance their own workflows
Those with workflows ready to contribute and discuss
All presentations will be recorded and made available via this web page after the event. There will be a member preview for 6 weeks and then the recordings will be on general release from the 17th of March 2025.
Please note – you do not need to register in order to access the recordings after the event.
DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy
The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. We encourage diversity in all its forms and are committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation, whilst remaining technology and vendor neutral. We ask all those who are part of this community and attending this session to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.