Events Calendar

DPC Members Forum and Networking Event - Americas

24 Apr 2025 at 9:30am - 25 Apr 2025 at 4:00pm UTC+1
Vanderbilt University’s Special Collections and University Archives

We are delighted to invite DPC Members and members of the digital preservation community to attend our first DPC Members Forum and Networking Event in the USA!

This two-day event offers programming for the entire digital preservation community. Starting with a full day event which is open to all, we will explore some practical ways to get started and make progress with digital preservation from making the case for investment, through to maturity modelling and identifying the skills and activities required to carry out effective digital preservation in your organisations. 

Day two is exclusively for DPC Members and in addition to meeting and networking with other members of the Coalition, we will have an exciting program of fast-paced member led talks and discussions, providing the opportunity to take the floor and exchange ideas, showcase work and discuss key themes. 

Livestreaming and hybrid options are available for DPC Members only.

This event will offer:

  • Keynote sessions and practical skills workshops

  • Opportunities to connect with the regional digital preservation community

  • Exclusive member-only networking time

  • Hybrid option for DPC Members unable to travel in person

  • Professional visit 

Who is the event for?

This is a practical set of events which are designed to privilege operational staff working directly on digital preservation. We are particularly keen for the following groups to attend:

  • Junior staff recently appointed and looking for opportunities to build their professional networks;

  • New entrants to digital preservation seeking to apply professional know-how to this new field;

  • Experienced practitioners who have clear insights into the challenges of digital preservation in their own institutions.

  • Senior staff, researchers and students are also welcome, though it is practical knowledge exchange that will be most prominent.

Outline program*

Day 1: Introduction to Digital Preservation

Thursday 24 April, 10:00 – 17:00 CST (UTC-6)

Open to all

Timings (local)



10:00 – 10:45

Registration open, refreshments served

Please come early to meet your fellow delegates


10:45 – 11:00

A welcome from our host**

Jon Shaw, Vanderbilt University

11:00 – 11:45

Keynote address**


11:45 – 12:15

Advocating for Digital Preservation**

Sarah Middleton, DPC

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch and networking  

13:30 – 14:15

Practical advice for Getting Started with Digital Preservation**

Andy Jackson and Anna Perricci, DPC

14:15 – 14:30



14:30 – 16:30

Refreshments served midway 

Continuous Improvement Workshops:

  • Rapid Assessment Model (RAM)

  • Competency Assessment Framework / Competency Audit Toolkit (CAT)


Andy Jackson, Anna Perricci, Sarah Middleton - DPC

16:30 – 17:00

Regroup and recap



Thanks, close formal program 


19:00 +

Option to attend a social dinner and continue networking


*Subject to change

** Member Livestream TBC 

Day 2: DPC Members Forum and Networking Event

Friday 25 April, 08:30 – 15:30 CST (UTC-6)

DPC Members only

Timings (local)


08:30 – 09:00

Registration open, tea and coffee provided

09:00 – 09:10

Welcome and introduction to the DPC Members Forum 

09:10 – 09:30

Confirmation of programming for morning

09:30 – 09:40

Break: Time to move into groups

09:40 – 10:25

Plenary room 1

Topic A

Room 2/online stream*

Topic B

10:25 – 10:35

Break: Time to move into groups

10:35 – 11:20

Plenary room 1

Topic C

Room 2/online stream*

Topic D

11:20 – 11:30

Break: Time to move into groups

11:30 – 11:45 

Plenary Session: Emerging themes

DPC Staff will present emerging topics identified through their work with Members.
DPC Members in attendance may vote on priorities and split into discussion groups.

11:45 – 12:30

Time to move into discussion groups. 

DPC Staff each take a breakout group to discuss an action

12:30 – 13:30 

Break for Lunch 

13:30 – 14:15 

Back to sessions

Plenary room 1

DPC topic 1 / 2

Room 2/online stream*

DPC topic 3 / 4

14:15 – 14:25

Break: Time to move into groups

14:25 – 15:10

Plenary room 1

Topic E

Room 2/online stream*

Topic F

15.10 – 15:30

Group Discussion

Feedback of any actions
Wrap up and close 

*Subject to change – programming and the number of streams will be determined by the number of member-led session suggestions received, and whether these are to be delivered in-person or online.

How does the DPC Member Forum work?

Offer to lead a session on Day 2

Whether you have a task you want to work on with others, a fresh idea or solution you want to demo, or topics you want to discuss to learn from others’ experience, this part of the program provides a space for DPC Members to achieve all of this. Please share your suggestions for member-led sessions and, from these, we will create an event program for you to make the most of the Coalition’s collective digital preservation expertise. 

Each session will offer approximately 45 minutes for you to either:

  • Discuss: Pick the collective digital preservation hive mind and start a discussion about a topic
  • Learn: Demonstrate and share solutions or workflows so that others can learn from your experiences.
  • Share: Show and tell presentations of recent work, new ideas and achievements (or failures)
  • Play: Share and lead a digital preservation games session!

DPC Members LOG IN to share your suggestion for a Member-led session by Wednesday 12 March


This event is open to DPC Members and non-members alike, with programming designed to optimise opportunities for networking and information exchange.

Full Members are invited to send up to 5 representatives, and Associate Members are invited to send 3 representatives to attend this event.

Registration will close on Wednesday 16 April.

**Please note: This event is only available online for DPC Members. If you are not a DPC Member and you register to attend this event but do not attend in person, a $50 cancellation fee will be applicable. However, we do understand that plans often change for reasons outside your control. Therefore, if you register for the event and find that you are no longer able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours before the event start - otherwise the cancellation fee will also apply.

Register for Day 1 (NON MEMBERS)


DPC Members log-in to register for Days 1 and/or 2 (MEMBERS ONLY)

If you have any queries about this event, please contact  

We look forward to connecting with you all soon!

DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy

The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. We encourage diversity in all its forms and are committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation, whilst remaining technology and vendor neutral. We ask all those who are part of this community to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.


Event Location: Vanderbilt University’s Special Collections and University Archives

1101 19th Ave. S.
TN 37235