Events Calendar

DPC Annual Members Unconference and Networking Event 2023 (UK)

22 Jun 2023 at 10:00am - 23 Jun 2023 at 1:15pm UTC+1
Members Only

We are delighted to invite DPC Members to attend our DPC’s Annual Members’ Unconference and Networking Event in London!

This UK-based event will take place face-to-face over two days and will form part of a worldwide program of Member networking activities which aims to offer events in locations in other parts of the world as scheduling permits (details to follow in due course).

The DPC Members’ Unconference will run alongside the DPC Board and Executive Council Meetings planned for the same dates in London* and is an opportunity to meet and network with other members of the Coalition, exchange ideas and updates on your work, as well as to help shape the DPC’s own activities for the coming year.

Each day we will have an exciting program of fast-paced member led talks and discussions, giving you the opportunity to take the floor and exchange ideas, showcase work and discuss key themes.

*Given the nature of the activities, we do not plan to offer online attendance at this event but aim to provide written highlights.

Who is the event for?

The Annual DPC Members’ Unconference is for DPC Members only and designed to privilege operational staff working directly on digital preservation. We are particularly keen to hear from three groups:

  • Junior staff recently appointed and looking for opportunities to build their professional networks;

  • New entrants to digital preservation seeking to apply professional know-how to this new field;

  • Experienced practitioners who might not normally attend the DPC Board but have clear insights into the challenges of digital preservation in their own institutions and are well placed to steer the DPC's practical program.

Senior staff, researchers and students are also welcome, though it is practical knowledge exchange that will be most prominent.

Preliminary Program* 

We’ve gathered all of your suggestions for sessions and we are excited to share our preliminary program for this years' DPC Annual Member Unconference and Networking Event.

Day 1: Thursday 22nd June 2023


Plenary / Parallel Stream 1

Parallel Stream 2

10:00 – 10:30

Registration and Coffee on arrival


10:30 – 11:00

Welcome to Unconference:
Outline of program and format of the day


11:00 – 11:45

Updating a Digital Preservation Policy as new Digital Archivists - Jumping in at the Deep End

Jennifer Pearson and Katie Kettle, HSBC

We are looking to share our experience of updating and implementing our Digital Preservation Policy on our new upgraded digital archive system, including our processes and the assorted challenges and mysteries we are finding along the way.

Session type: SHARE


Helen Dafter, The Postal Museum

The Postal Museum has recently used CAT to undertake an assessment of the current skills of the collections team. This session will share experiences of using the toolkit and reflect on some anonymized results.

Session type: SHARE

11:45 – 12:00

move to next session

12:00 – 12:45

Digital Preservation Storage Strategies: 3-2-1 vs 'the Cloud'

Somaya Langley, Science Museum Group

What premises remain true to today, what needs to change, and what should we do away with entirely?

Session type: DISCUSS

DPC Reading Club

Jenny Mitcham, DPC

If you are intending on attending this session, please read the article before the event and come along ready to discuss your thoughts.

For this Reading Club session we would like to discuss an article by Lise Jalliant 'More Data, Less Process: A User-Centered Approach to Email and Born-Digital Archives' during the Unconference. This session would provide a place for a friendly chat about the text with other members of the community to share thoughts and observations.

Session type: DISCUSS

12:45 – 14:00

Lunch and networking

14:00 – 14:45

Plenary session


14:45 – 15:00

move to next session

15:00 – 15:45

How can games be fun and educational?

Sean Macmillan, Kings College London

In the past few months, I and a couple of others have organized a series of digital preservation related board game events and it has been both fun and educational.

The main purpose of this session will be to talk about the sort of games we have designed with the opportunity to give some of them a chance of trying them out. There will also be option for people to make suggestions and recommendations.

Session type: DISCUSS

Musical Debaters

Panagiotis Papageorgiou, International College Portsmouth

For this approx. 35-min game session, the attendees will first learn the three basic components of a solid argument before participating in a game. The aim of the game is to break the taboos over certain arguments around digital preservation. Additionally, the participants will have the opportunity to practice arguing in a civilized and relaxed manner, exchanging good practices adopted in their working environments. Further, they will learn how to reach a conclusion after being involved in a meaningful conversation and/or accept that they agree to disagree. Finally, the debaters will hopefully reach a consensus on some of the mooted digital preservation-related subjects.

Session type: PLAY

15:45 – 16:00

move to next session

16:00 – 16:45

DPC Staff-Led Session

Using Preservation Package Specifications

Thomas Edvardsen and Johannes Karlsen, National Library of Norway

There are several different specifications for structuring content in preservation packages. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such? Examples can be DILCIS (E-Ark) Specification and Cinema Preservation Package (CPP), as well as BagIt and OCFL.

Session type: DISCUSS

16:45 – 17:30

Summarize and close for day


Evening activity:
You are welcome to join us for dinner on the first evening of the Unconference! The DPF staff team will be hosting dinner at three restaurants in London - if you would like to join us, just book a seat via this document before Monday 19th June. Cost for dinner & drinks are at your own expense.


Day 2: Friday 23rd June 2023


Plenary / Parallel Stream 1

Parallel Stream 2

09:30 – 09:45

Coffee on arrival


09:45 – 10:00

Welcome back


10:00 – 10:45

DPC Staff-Led Session

Digital Preservation and Cybersecurity: happily coexisting

Somaya Langley, Science Museum Group

What should Digital Preservationists be learning and what should we be teaching to our Cybersecurity colleagues? In this session we will be seeking out small practical steps...

Session Type: DISCUSS

10:45 – 11:00

move to next session

11:00 – 11:45

A digital archive as a shared service

Quincy Oeyen, Flemish Government - Digital Archives Flanders

The Flemish government has set up a digital archive as a shared service. Digital Archives Flanders provides various platforms to all authorities in Flanders (both central and local authorities). During this session, we will discuss the shared service set-up and briefly look at our platforms. We will also discuss the challenges this type of set-up poses.

Session type: SHARE

How to Measure Impact

Bryony Hooper, University of Sheffield

When tasked with setting key performance indicators for a service - what should we use to demonstrate impact of a digital preservation service/our work?

  • Can we develop metrics to measure success?

  • Can we measure impact beyond simple statistics?

  • How can we flag quality over quantity?

  • Can we measure the cultural impact?

  • Can KPIs be environmentally sustainable?

Session type: DISCUSS

11:45 – 12:00

move to next session

12:00 – 12:45

Number crunching

Paul Stokes, Jisc

Assigning “numbers” to all things digital is becoming increasingly important, especially when making the case for funding.
“What does that cost to do?”
“What is the value of that data?”
“How much data is this research project likely to generate?”
“How much carbon does this process/system produce?”

In this session I propose to try and pin down what are the most important/useful Numbers people wish to know, how they might make comparisons between different number information sources, and what tools are “out there”.

Spoiler alert: A revamping of the 4C Curation Costs Exchange and Cost Comparison tool might get a mention…

Session type: DISCUSS

Storing Metadata Separate from Content

Thomas Edvardsen and Johannes Karlsen, National Library of Norway

Join us for an open dialogue where we discuss the idea of storing metadata separately from the content to make it easier to find, retrieve and update digital objects in the Digital Preservation Service (DPS). Can a separate metadata store serve as the foundation for generating digital object metadata files (METS/PREMIS), that are stored together with the content? We invite you to share your experiences and perspectives.

Session type: DISCUSS

12:45 – 13:15

Summarize, thanks and close


 *subject to change

Event Attendees: please login to let us know which sessions you intend to attend

How does it work?

Member-led sessions

Whether you have a task you want to work on with others, a fresh idea or solution you want to demo, or topics you want to discuss to learn from others’ experience, this part of the program provides a space for you to achieve all of this. Members have been invited to make suggestions for member-led sessions, from which we have populated the program for this event! Each session will offer approximately 45 minutes to either:

  • Discuss: Pick the collective digital preservation hive mind and start a discussion about a topic

  • Learn: Demonstrate and share solutions or workflows so that others can learn from your experiences.

  • Share: Show and tell presentations of recent work, new ideas and achievements (or failures)

  • Play: Share and lead a digital preservation games session! 

We've closed the suggestions form now, but if you would still like to lead a session, please email 

{show usergroup="Guest"}Registration

Registration for this event has now closed, but if you would still like to attend, please contact

DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy

The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. We encourage diversity in all its forms and are committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation, whilst remaining technology and vendor neutral. We ask all those who are part of this community to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.


Venue address: Jisc London, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW

Event Location: London

15 Fetter Lane