The DPC welcomes members of the digital preservation community to join them for the public launch of their new Digital Preservation Competency Framework and accompanying resources.
The DPC’s new Competency Framework has been designed to identify the key competencies required to undertake successful digital preservation, whilst being flexible enough to be used for a variety of purposes, such as structuring professional development, aiding recruitment, and assessing curricula. The Framework builds on previous work in this area and from key good practice resources, particularly the DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model (DPC RAM).
A Competency Audit Toolkit (DPC CAT) accompanies the Competency Framework to help facilitate the audit of digital preservation skills at individual and organizational levels. Both the framework and audit toolkit can be used by anyone involved in digital preservation, including practitioners, managers, students, or educators.
This event will provide attendees with an overview of how the resources were developed, what they contain, and how they can be used to assess competencies and skills.
Download the slides from the presentations.
The program will include:
Developing the New Resources
Introduction to the Competency Framework
Walk-through of the DPC Competency Audit Toolkit
Wrap-Up and Future Plans
Registration is free for all, though places are limited, so early sign-up is recommended.
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