Illustration by Jørgen Stamp CC BY 2.5 Denmark

Who is it for?

Creators and publishers of digital resources, third-party service providers, operational managers (DigCurV Manager Lens) and staff (DigCurV Practitioner Lens) with responsibility for implementing institutional activities of relevance to digital preservation. It is assumed that these will include a) staff from structurally separate parts of the organisation, and b) a wide range of knowledge of digital preservation, from novice to sophisticated; c) both technical and non technical perspectives; d) a wide range of functional activities with a direct or indirect link to digital preservation activities.


Assumed level of knowledge

Wide-ranging, from novice to advanced.



  • To provide pointers to sources of advice and guidance aimed at encouraging good practice in creating and managing digital materials. The importance of the creator in facilitating digital preservation is stressed throughout the handbook but particularly in Creating digital materials. Good practice in digitisation and other digital materials creation is crucial to the continued viability of digital materials.
  • To raise awareness of factors which need to be considered when creating or acquiring digital materials.
  • To provide pointers to helpful sources of advice and guidance for both novices and those who have already begun to think through theimplications of digital technology on their operational activities.

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