DPA2024 Category Sponsor RDA

This award celebrates the adoption of digital preservation tools and approaches in an organization that is not explicitly a memory institution. The prize in this category consists of a trophy to be retained by the recipient, certificates for participating individuals, and a cash prize of £1000 payable to the lead nominee’s organization.

The DPC Member vote is now open!

DPC Members, login to reveal the link to the voting form and select your first and second choices for this category. 

Votes must be cast online by 1200 (BST/UTC+1) on Monday 15th July.

Each Full Member, Associate and Allied Organisation of the DPC may submit one vote.

Meet the finalists

‘A Lovely Day for Digital Preservation’: Guinness Archive adverts project

DPA2024 Finalist CITS Lovely Day 3

Nominee: Guinness Archive

The aim of the project was to digitise, remaster and preserve the brand’s advertising legacy of television adverts on film and make the collection publicly accessible. The collection captures moments in cultural and social history spanning a 40 year period, and offers an insight in changing representations of Irishness both at home and overseas.

In partnership with the Irish Film Institute and Coimisiún na Meán, the project brought together all known advertising work held across 3 institutions. The project created a framework from which all other film stock related to Guinness was subsequently digitised and ingested into digital preservation systems.

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Cloud-based holistic digital preservation at HSBC

DPA2024 Finalist CITS Cloud based dp

Nominee: HSBC

HSBC initially introduced its digital archive system in 2015, and in 2022, we embarked on a project to upgrade and migrate the system to the cloud. A key objective of this upgrade was to eliminate the need for a separate cataloguing tool, seamlessly integrating our ISAD-G descriptive metadata with our digital assets. This integration enables users to create and access both technical and descriptive metadata within a unified system. By transitioning to the cloud and utilising a shared server platform, we have achieved significant efficiency and sustainability improvements, moving away from isolated physical servers spread across multiple HSBC data centres.

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NHS research records: Reducing Risk

DPA2024 Finalist CITS Barts 3

Nominee: Barts Health NHS Trust

Barts Health NHS Trust has implemented a specialist digital archive that ensures records from clinical trials are preserved, accessible and usable for their whole retention period (mainly 25 years). This service is now being extended to other NHS Trusts who are finding it difficult to procure an archive themselves; thus helping to preserve data within wider healthcare research and raising awareness of digital preservation in this area. Barts is at the forefront of digital preservation for research study records as this is a complex and challenging environment that is just starting to generate discussion.

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