DPA2024 Category Sponsor clockss

This award encourages and recognizes student work in digital preservation. The prize in this category consists of a trophy to be retained by the recipient’s institution, certificates for participating individuals, and a travel grant covering the costs of attendance at an international conference in 2025.

Meet the finalists

Assessing the Condition of Net Art Using Emulation as a Service (EaaS)

DPA2024 Finalist Student NetArt 1

Nominee: Nicole Savoy studying at the Academy of the Arts Bern

How do you know if something’s broken if you don’t see an error message? How do you classify an error without knowledge of how the work should appear or function in the first place? These questions were at the core of Nicole Savoy’s master thesis, which explores methods for assessing the condition of digital artworks that use the Internet as an artistic medium. Due to the Web’s ever-changing technical environment, many features of these artworks, like videos or gifs, become unviewable in current browsers. Using EaaS (Emulation as a Service) as a tool to recreate period-adequate software environments to observe these works in, conservators can piece together a comprehensive understanding of an artwork’s intended performance.

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Bish Bash Backup: A Blog about converting metadata to PREMIS

DPA2024 Finalists Student Bish Bash 1

Nominee:  Alex Habgood studying at University College London

This student blog was created as part of the Digital Curation module on the Archives and Records Management Programme at University College London. The task was to undertake a personal project related to digital curation, gain experience in a method or area of practice, and create a series of blog posts reflecting on this and communicating their learning to fellow professionals and diverse practitioners. The blog, “Bish Bash Backup”, reflects on a project to develop a simple prototype for implementing PREMIS metadata.

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Preservación de documentos digitales: el caso de Wikimedia México / Preservation of digital records: the case of Wikimedia Mexico

DPA2024 Finalist Student Claudia Muñoz

Nominee: Claudia Muñoz studying at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Mexican NGOs work on a wide variety of social problems related to technology, gender, violence, and support for social causes. However, their information and history, produced and disseminated in digital formats, are at risk because the organizations lack adequate digital preservation strategies to ensure the permanence and access of their information in the long term, which is aggravated by problems such as the digital divide or lack of budget. Therefore, Wikimedia Mexico, an NGO that promotes free access to knowledge, is taken as an example to establish digital preservation strategies according to its characteristics and context.

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Web Archives for All? Towards Equitable Access to UK Public Sector Web Archives

DPA2024 Finalist Student Web Archives 3

Nominee: Nicole Hartland studying at the University of Dundee

Web Archives for All? is the first holistic assessment of access and descriptive practices across UK Public Sector Web Archives, with a focus on developing community best practices to begin to address the vital issue of working towards just and equitable access to our shared online heritage. The study is grounded in qualitative coding and analysis of interviews with web archive managers and curators across the five UK Public Sector Web Archives, which revealed a wide range of approaches across description, providing access, and understanding users, and highlighted current challenges and future opportunities for more equitable access to web archives.

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