
Our activities sustain and enable our community to collaborate and grow, and we maintain and refresh the social infrastructure which helps the community cohere as it expands. In doing so, we foster openness and challenge structural inequalities that constrain participation.

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We work towards a climate of public and institutional policy which is better informed and better inclined towards digital preservation.

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Workforce Development

We provide opportunities for our members to acquire, develop and retain competent and responsive workforces that are ready to address the challenges of digital preservation.

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Good Practice

We support our members towards greater maturity in digital preservation by delivering knowledge exchange, continuous improvement, horizon scanning, advice on standards, authoritative publications, and engaging and informative events.

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Accountable, Sustainable, Dynamic Governance

We remain accountable to members and responsive to their needs, particularly as the scale of our activities expand.

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We are building:
  • A digital preservation community which provides an effective platform for meaningful and sustained professional exchange.
  • A climate of public and institutional policy which is better informed and better inclined towards digital preservation.
  • Competent and responsive workforces that are ready to address the challenges of digital preservation.
  • Greater maturity in digital preservation through knowledge exchange, advice, authoritative publications and informative events.
  • Accountable and sustainable organizational functions and structures to ensure good governance.
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Digital Preservation Handbook

The Handbook identifies good practice in creating, managing and preserving digital materials. By providing a strategic overview of the key issues, discussion and guidance on strategies and activities, and pointers to key projects and reports, the Handbook provides guidance for institutions and individuals and a range of tools to help them identify and take appropriate actions.

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Rapid Assessment Model 3.0: now available in multiple languages! 28 March 2025 The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of the Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, French, Japanese and Turkish. Read Article
Steps towards a definition of 'Business of Usual' for digital preservation Jenny Mitcham and Caylin Smith Jenny Mitcham and Caylin Smith Last updated on 20 March 2025 This blog post summarises discussions that took place in a recent workshop on digital preservation as 'business as usual'. What does it actually look like and how do we know when we get there? Go to Blog

Preservation Registries Special Interest Group

03 Apr 2025

The original idea of this group came out of the iPres 2022 “Registering our preservation intentions” workshop, where we proposed the idea of the Digital Preservation Coalition hosting an ...

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