Paul Wheatley

Paul Wheatley

Last updated on 24 February 2017

Roughly weekly/monthly news and opinions from the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Head of Research and Practice, Paul Wheatley. Opinions are the opinions of Paul and those featured. Not the DPC. They’re just opinions, ok? Just because the blog has moved to the official DPC website does not mean this isn't just a load of opinions. Back issues are here.

Jen joins in with the format profile sharing:

Quite possibly the coolest looking digital archive ever. Not quite sure why the #digipres community didn't latch onto this one very much:

Expect more veraPDF goodness coming to a validation workflow near you soon:

New Archives Hub website:

Excellent blog post from DNT on the nature and language of embedding digipres:

It would be great to see a concerted effort to take on format ID of text based formats, and dip into some of the possible strategies for taking this on. Really feels like the right time to focus on this (see recent work from Leeds and Sheffield). Looking forward to an upcoming report from OPF on this topic as well:

Very sad. When the lawyers decide to keep nothing of our cultural history:

Here's something a bit more positive (in English here):

Lots of great blogging on the DPC website, since we relaunched. Here's another essential read:

Always worth a reminder - share your weird files on the OPF Format Corpus:

A quick bump for what should be a very informative event and hot topic for many in the digipres world at the moment:

This is a longer blog post read interviewing award winner Dave Rice. Do not miss the discussion of digipres engagement on standards. Aspiring practitioners should also take in the reflections on career development (amongst other things) in the second half:

Last week I included this comment on vendor induced obsolescence. Here's a look at one of the other factors in what we keep: value over time (thanks Chris):

It's wrap up time. Careful now (open the tweet to contribute):

Interesting discussion between Shira and Chris, comparing #digipres maturity in the US and Europe (open the tweet to see the follow up discussion):

Awesome stickers:

Here's a final thought from Jen:

I have a use for you...


Paul Wheatley
7 years ago
Hi Katharine, thanks very much! We should be able to add an RSS feed - we'll look into it.

7 years ago
There should be a caption competition every week ...
7 years ago
This is a great column, I'd been subscribed for a while to Is there any way to subscribe to these posts now that they're hosted here on DPN?

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