Anthea Seles

Anthea Seles

Last updated on 4 November 2020

Anthea Seles is the Secretary General of the International Council on Archives (ICA). 

logoThe digital preservation discussion needs to be broadened to include colleagues from different parts of the world that face vastly different realities than those confronted by practitioners in developed countries. That is not to say there aren’t transversal issues around cost, access to trained personnel, but many of us working in the ‘West’ have not had to deal rolling blackouts or inability to find sufficient basic infrastructure to support our programmes.

Colleagues in different parts of the world face these challenges and many more when trying to capture and preserve their born-digital materials.

I would argue our current digital preservation practices still reflect experiences garnered from doing digital preservation in the developed world and in those practices are built in implied presumptions which may not translate to low resourced contexts. I would very much like to explore what ‘good enough’ looks like in low resource environments.

As a network, the International Council on Archives, is dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world's archival heritage through its representation of records and archive professionals across the globe. We are delighted to share some of the digital preservation stories from representatives of the ICA regional branches this World Digital Preservation Day.

Please watch out for contributions later today from colleagues and ICA members:

  • Dr. Daniel Flores, Representante Nacional de Brasil en el GE RIBEAU ALA and Asociación Latinoamericana de Archivos (ALA)

  • National Archives of Korea

  • Bonface Odhiambo, United States International University in Africa and Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivist (KARMA)

  • Villy Magero, Nairobi City County Government in Kenya andand Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivist (KARMA)

  • Etsuko Watanabe, National Archives of Japan and East Asian Regional Branch of ICA (EASTICA)



Daniel Flores BR
3 years ago
Great DPC #WDPD2020, waiting !!!!!

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