Zhenxin Wu

Zhenxin Wu

Last updated on 4 November 2020

Zhenxin Wu is Professor of the Information System Department, and Deputy Director of the Digital Preservation Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences at the National Science Library in Beijing, China. She is also responsible for the technical system and data archive for NDPP (National Digital Preservation Program). 

The following blog is also available in Chinese below:

This year, the sudden epidemic has had a huge impact on the world. Out of necessity, the global situation has greatly promoted the speed of digital transformation in various organizations as well as the increase of online communication, for example, #WeMissiPRES in September was successfully held online. The National Science Library of CAS has provided several information services to support research on COVID-19, such as VPN-based online access, fast thematic information services and tracking of the latest global research progress. With the changing states of COVID-19, these changes have gradually become the norm.

It also makes us more clearly aware of the impact of this ‘black swan event.’ We realize that an approach of "unbounded symbiosis"(that is to say, living and working together without geographic boundaries) is more suitable for the global fight against the epidemic, as well as for various industries in the digital age, and of course it is especially suitable for the future development of the digital preservation community.

2020 must be a year that impresses everyone deeply. The sudden epidemic can be regarded as one of the biggest challenges in human history. It has had a huge impact on the world. Both countries and economies have been greatly impacted, and people's lives and work have undergone tremendous changes. What is particularly remarkable is that it has greatly promoted the speed of digital transformation in various organizations as well as the increase of online communication. According to a VMware report (https://new.qq.com/omn/20201016/20201016A0BYD000.html): In January 2020, Zoom had only 10 million daily active users. After the outbreak, this number exceeded 300 million in just four months. An example which we all know, the preservation community successfully held online event #WeMissiPRES (https://www.dpconline.org/events/wemissipres) by using ZOOM in September with over 1,500 Person-time attending. The epidemic has brought distance between people, but it could not stop mankind from moving forward.

The Chinese government has made arduous efforts to fight the epidemic. The Chinese people and all institutions and enterprises have given full cooperation. At present, our lives and work are becoming normal. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the NSLC (National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences) where I work has been constantly adjusting to adapt to the changing environment and user needs.

In the beginning of the epidemic, NSLC expanded the VPN mechanism in time to ensure that researchers in more than 120 institutes across the country could smoothly access information resources while they work from home; we provided emergency information services on key technologies of virus analyzers to respond promptly to the needs from related institutes. We quickly built up a platform (http://ncov.scholarin.cn/) to collect research papers, research data, and research progress related to the corona virus. We launched information thematic services (http://www.clas.ac.cn/xwzx2016/xxfyzt_2020//) to integrate important information such as policies, academic research, prevention and treatment information on the prevention and control of COVID-19. We also launched a monitoring service to get the latest research progress of COVID-19 by important institutions around the world (http://stm.las.ac.cn/STMonitor/qbwnew/openhome.htm?serverId=172).

Online access without geographical restrictions by authorized users, fast thematic information services, and tracking of the latest global research progress have become NSTL's the main services to support the epidemic research.. With the changing states of COVID-19, these changes have gradually become the norm. It also makes us more clearly aware that the impact of the black swan event of the epidemic will cause huge changes in the needs and work habits of users in the future. We are at a time when digitalization has been deeply integrated into society, we need to constantly change and improve ourselves if we want to keep up with the development of the times.

The theme of 2020 Learning Cloud Summit of Alibaba Dingding University is "Unbounded • Symbiosis", which means to break boundaries, release vitality; and achieve mutual benefit and mutual flourishing (http://d.youth.cn/newtech/202010/t20201019_12536334.htm). I personally think that this theme is more suitable for describing the global fight against the epidemic, as well as for various industries in the digital age, and of course it is especially suitable for the future development of the digital preservation community.


2020突发的疫情对世界产生了巨大的影响,加快了各行业数字化转型的速度,线上交流急剧增加, #WeMissiPRES也以在线方式成功召开。中国科学院文献情报中心为支持新冠病毒研究,提供了包括基于VPN的在线访问、快速专题信息服务和国内外最新科研进展追踪等多种服务。疫情的反复,使我们更加清楚地认识到,疫情“黑天鹅”事件对世界产生的影响。“无界·共生”适用于全球与疫情的对抗,也适用于数字化时代的各个行业,尤其适合数字保存社区的未来发展。






阿里巴巴钉钉大学2020学习云峰会的主题为 “无界·共生”,意为打破边界,释放活力;互利互荣http://d.youth.cn/newtech/202010/t20201019_12536334.htm)。我个人觉得这个主题更适用于全球与疫情的对抗,也适用于数字化时代的各个行业,当然尤其适合数字保存社区的未来发展。

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