Karin Bredenberg

Karin Bredenberg

Last updated on 4 November 2019

Karin Bredenberg is Chair of the PREMIS Editorial Committee. She works for Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera/The Municipality Organisation Sydarkivera in Sweden.

2019 has been a very productive year for the PREMIS Editorial Committee!

We’ve welcomed several new members to the EC this year and have made significant progress in various areas.

The release a year ago of the PREMIS 3.0 OWL Ontology led the EC into discussions regarding the relationship between the ontology and the PREMIS Data Dictionary and other discussions regarding Rights. A Rights working group is currently preparing a short paper relating to recent developments in this area.

The Survey on the Impact of PREMIS which was administered by the PREMIS Editorial Committee to better understand the current impact of PREMIS is influencing our committee work! We are currently transforming the Data Dictionary to an interactive format. The changes and minor updates found in the ontology work will be incorporated into the reformatted version of the Data Dictionary which will be published in 2020.

You might have seen our notice about our wiki being moved and thus currently unavailable. Once we migrate the content into the new wiki platform, we plan to populate it with content that users in the community need and further foster the community in its use of PREMIS!

We held a PREMIS Tutorial at iPRES2019 in September of 2019 in Amsterdam. The EC members gave an overview of PREMIS, the semantic units in PREMIS, and discussed how PREMIS can be used in combination with semantic web technologies and the PREMIS Ontology. Interest was broad and we are investigating making more tutorials available in the future.

We are continuing our other efforts to increase our outreach and support for PREMIS in the digital preservation community including:

  • Improving membership procedures so that non-EC members can more easily participate in and contribute to EC activities
  • Making EC work more transparent and more easily accessible and understandable to the preservation community
  • Reevaluating/updating the Implementation Registry
  • Reformatting our wiki will make EC meeting agendas, notes, and other resources available to the public
  • Creating a more effective communication plan—you should be seeing and hearing from us more frequently and in forms beyond our PIG listserv.

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