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DPC Awards 2020

Laura Molloy

Laura Molloy

Last updated on 8 September 2020

Laura Molloy is the Senior Researcher Lead at CODATA.

Digital Preservation Awards season is upon us!  Celebrating excellence in maintaining our digital legacy, the Digital Preservation Awards take place every two years and I’m delighted to be one of this year’s judges.

Digital preservation is a compelling research area as well as the technological bedrock of data infrastructure, and as such the resources and community of the Digital Preservation Coalition are invaluable resources for my work here at CODATA.

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Preserving records from an EDRMS - a case study from PRONI

Hugh J Campbell

Hugh J Campbell

Last updated on 19 August 2020

Hugh Campbell works in Digital Preservation & Information Systems for the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

Doesn’t time fly when you’re waiting for your slot on the DPC blog rota to come around?! I had spent some time thinking about different aspects of digital preservation before deciding on a topic and drafting my blog. Then, a few days before submission, comes an email from Jen Mitcham asking politely if I had considered writing about Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM) as I am a member of the DPC’s EDRMS Preservation Taskforce. A swift change of course later and here are some of my musings on my EDRM experience.

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How we doing?: Digital preservation assessment frameworks at the British Library

Simon Whibley

Simon Whibley

Last updated on 11 August 2020

Simon Whibley is Digital Collections Conservator at the British Library

The digital preservation community has invested a great deal of effort over the past decade into developing ways of evaluating the maturity and trustworthiness of preservation processes and services. The tools and frameworks now available to the community vary from relatively simple maturity models to highly-detailed audit standards designed to support the certification of services and organisations.

Over the past few years, the British Library and its partners have used a range of these assessment frameworks as a means of benchmarking our progress and for identifying gaps. This post will explore some of the lessons that we have learned from undertaking these assessments.

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Minimum Preservation Tool (MPT)

Dr John Beaman

Dr John Beaman

Last updated on 29 July 2020

John Beaman is the Preservation Repository Manager at the British Library

Many institutions have significant digital content stored outside of a fully-fledged preservation repository system. The content may be waiting for a backlog of other material to be cleared, content-specific pre-ingestion processes to be developed, or even for a preservation repository system to be implemented at the institution. Often the content is stored on standard network storage made available by the institute’s IT department, or on offline storage such as external USB hard drives. This content is inherently at risk since it is not protected by the full range of digital preservation processes within a preservation repository system such as file fixity checking. The longer content remains in this state, the greater the risk of it coming to harm. In response to this, the British Library’s Digital Preservation Team has developed the Minimum Preservation Tool (MPT), a collection of utilities written in Python that can be used to create an interim preservation storage solution, providing a basic minimum level of file preservation in order to reduce risks to content currently stored outside of a preservation repository system.

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Who wants to work with us on EDRMS Preservation?

Jenny Mitcham

Jenny Mitcham

Last updated on 28 July 2020

Back in April I introduced you to the EDRMS task force

Our initial plan was to meet for six months and to carry out some of the following activities:

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Preserving semi-current records - why are we worrying?

Jenny Mitcham

Jenny Mitcham

Last updated on 29 July 2020

Last week the DPC held an online briefing day on the topic of Preserving Semi-current Records and we heard from a range of speakers who were all facing or considering the challenge of preserving semi-current or semi-active records.

Defining what a semi-active or semi-current record actually is was one of the first challenges of the day and perhaps differs in different contexts and disciplines. Kevin Ashley from the Digital Curation Centre described them as ‘the undead’ - records that are still with us but not quite alive. There is an implication of less use and perhaps greater neglect. 

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Horses for (Digital Preservation) Courses

Colin Armstrong

Colin Armstrong

Last updated on 21 July 2020

Colin Armstrong is a Disc Imaging Technician for the British Library.
This blog post has been written in Scots - for those unfamiliar with the language, you may find the Dictionary of the Scots Language handy.

Since lockdown aroon mid-March, like a number o’ folks ma workin’ habits have changed dramatically. Ah’ve been unable to carry oot ma usual role in any normal capacity, and am mostly confined tae remote workin’ fae haim. Imaging disks as pairt o’ the  Flashback Project for the British Library Digital Preservation team at Boston Spa is ‘oot the windae’, and has been temporarily swapped fir home learning, webinars, and online courses (and occasionally screein' blog introductions in Scots). Ah’ve completed 18 courses and attended roughly 15 conference or webinar-type events tae date; but which have topped the list for improvin’ my digital preservation knowledge, professional development, and mayhap fir the team in general? Let’s take a wee gander eh?

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What I wish I knew about Digital Preservation: Part II

Sarah Middleton

Sarah Middleton

Last updated on 1 July 2020

Firstly, a huge thank you to the International Council on Archives for inviting us to co-host the ‘What I Wish I Knew... Webinar’ to celebrate digital preservation day on International Archives Week! It was so popular and so well attended that we ran out of time before we even made a dent in the number of questions submitted to our panellists, so as promised we’ve put our thinking caps back on and answered some more in this blog post.

Watch the webinar again

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Is digital preservation bad for the environment? Reflections on environmentally sustainable digital preservation in the cloud

Matthew Addis

Matthew Addis

Last updated on 14 March 2022

Matthew Addis is the Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum.

Concerns are frequently raised that the way that humanity generates and uses data is simply not environmentally sustainable and is a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions and climate change.   Archives and other organisations who hold and provide access to digital content are justifiably concerned about the part they play and how they can be more environmentally sustainable.

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Ingesting Web archives into Digital preservation systems

Roxana Maurer

Roxana Maurer

Last updated on 10 June 2020

Roxana Maurer is the Digital Preservation Co-ordinator at the National Library of Luxembourg (BnL).

At the National Library of Luxembourg (BnL), we are in the midst of ingesting our Web archive into our Digital Preservation system. Or I should better say trying to ingest… Web archives are different in so many ways from more “traditional” digital content like PDFs or TIFFs, that they come with many challenges and that includes the transfer to a digital preservation system. I would like to present here some of the challenges encountered at the BnL these past weeks, as an introduction to the special meeting of the DPC Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group on the 10th of June 2020.

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