Digital Curation Centre: 3-year project funding initially, from 2004
Partners: JISC; eSCP; DCC
The initial three-year project to develop a national Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is a key aim of the JISC Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy 2002-05. The DCC will focus on research in data curation, file format information, tools, testbeds and certification and advisory services. Funded jointly by JISC and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council's (EPSRC) e-Science Core Programme, to focus on the needs of UK FE and HE, but with the possibility of extending to and developing additional funding from, other sectors.
Dorothy Dunnett Disks Project: Ongoing from 2004
Contact: Robin Smith
Partners: National Library of Scotland
To use electronic files in Dorothy Dunnett archive as a pilot project to develop accessioning, appraisal, migration and descriptive processes for manuscript material in electronic format
E-Science Data Curation Audit: Completed February 2004
Partners: JISC
This consultancy aimed to establish the provision and future requirements for curation of primary research data being generated within e-science in the UK. The audit included the e-science core programme but extended beyond this to other e-science research and primary research data.
Data Curation for e-science in the UK
Scottish Party Political Press Releases Preservation and Access pilot: Ongoing from 2004
Contact: Paul Cunnea
Partners: National Library of Scotland
Pilot to investigate long-term preservation and access options for e-mail publications, using Scottish PPRs as case study.
E-Learning Project: Completed January 2004
Long-Term Retention and Reuse of E-Learning Objects and Materials
Partners: JISC; AHDS
A feasibility study to assess long-term retention and re-use of e-learning objects and materials, part of the JISC Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy 2002-5. Undertaken by the Institute for Computer Based Learning (ICBL) at Heriot-Watt, with support from AHDS.
ICA work-book on ERM: Completed 2004
Partners: ULCC
International Council on Archives (ICA) workbook on electronic records management (ERM) is a practical handbook aimed at archivists, primarily in government, and also for IT staff. The handbook has been created via ICA funding together with volunteer effort from members: Electronic Records: A Workbook for Archivists (ICA Study 16)
Representation and Rendering Project (file formats): Completed February 2004
Partners: JISC, University of Leeds
File Format Representation and Rendering Project, which aimed to develop tried and tested technologies, conceived by the Cedars and CAMiLEON projects. Survey and assessment of sources of information on file formats and software documentation, Final report produced by the Representation and Rendering Project, University of Leeds, (undated)
Survey and assessment of sources of information on file formats and software documentation
Planning ahead for DVD-Video migration research
Starting with complexity: Archiving digital-born music compositions from Mac systems of the 80s/90s