E-Journal Archiving Study, Completed October 2003
Full report: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/ejournalsfinal.pdf [PDF, 342Kb]
Partners: JISC
Archiving E-Journals Consultancy - Final Report, October 2003, by Maggie Jones. The consultancy explored issues associated with implementing the archiving clauses of the JISC/NESLI Model Licence Report Commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). Full report available via the JISC website.
Feasibility Study on E-Prints, Completed October 2003
Full report: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/e-prints_report_final.pdf [PDF, 1,018Kb]
Partners: Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS); Estonian Business Archives; SHERPA; University of Nottingham
Feasibility and Requirements Study on Preservation of E-Prints. Report Commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), AHDS as lead partner. Report published October 29, 2003, by Hamish James, Arts and Humanities Data Service, Raivo Ruusalepp, Estonian Business Archives, Sheila Anderson, Arts and Humanities Data Service, Stephen Pinfield, SHERPA.
Planning ahead for DVD-Video migration research
Starting with complexity: Archiving digital-born music compositions from Mac systems of the 80s/90s