Digital Preservation Coalition, Annual General Meeting 2018
The Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) will be held at 1500 on Thursday 15th of December 2018 in Room G21A, Senate House, Malet Street, the University of London, WC1E 7HU. The meeting is expected to end at approximately 1530. Tea and coffee will be available from 1430. Members may attend online and joining instructions are included below. The AGM is being chaired by Juan Bicarregui, Chair of the Digital Preservation Coalition.
Papers for the meeting are available here
1. Welcome
2. Introduction and formal notice of meeting
3. Apologies
4. Minutes of the Fifteenth AGM, 28th November 2017, National Library of Scotland, Glasgow (DPCAGM18B)
5. 2017-18 Annual Report of the DPC (William Kilbride– Verbal Report)
6. The 2017-18 Annual Accounts of the DPC (DPCAGM18C)
7. Elections
- Chair (Nominated: Juan Bicarregui)
- Vice Chair (Nominated: Kevin Ashley)
8. Appointment of Auditors
9. Any Other Business
1530 (approx.) Close
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