The ability of an organization to continue to function with as little disruption as possible, even in abnormal circumstances. Incorporates any factor relating to the organization’s core mandate and everything required to deliver this, including the environmental, hierarchical and political factors and policies, along with human and individual characteristics, which influence the culture within an organization.

What are the Risks of not preserving digital materials?

Organization Type Risk Potential Consequences

All organizations

Data safety and security are compromised.

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Disruption of business/organisation’s functions
  • Confidence loss
  • Damage to reputation
  • Loss/reduction in funding/revenue
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Insufficient contextual information (metadata) to understand the information and for it to be useful.

  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Disruption of business/organization’s functions
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Lack of supporting legislation to facilitate preservation, particularly relating to copyright/IPR, privacy and legal deposit.

  • Unable to carry out necessary preservation actions
  • Data loss
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Rate of data creation outstrips capacity for storage, processing and preservation.

  • Important digital objects are not captured within the preservation system
  • Data loss/corruption

All organizations

Insufficient funding available to allow sustainable preservation procedures and systems to be established.

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to carry out necessary preservation actions
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Insufficient staffing/skills to be able to carry out successful preservation.

  • Unable to carry out necessary preservation actions
  • Data loss
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements


Lack of collaboration behind different departments/areas of the organization

  • Unable to establish a sustainable, fit for purpose digital preservation programme
  • Efforts duplicated in different departments/areas
  • Inefficient use of resources


Executive level support for digital preservation is not persistent

  • Unable to establish a sustainable, fit for purpose digital preservation programme
  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

What Opportunities do preserved digital materials create? 

Organization Type

Digital Preservation can…

All organizations

transmit opportunities to future generations by ensuring the right data is available to the right people at the right time in the right format, for as long as necessary

All organizations

provide efficiencies of scale through shared services, resources and systems

All organizations

provide cost efficiencies through planned disposal and deletion which results in reduced storage requirements

All organizations

provide cost and operational efficiencies by allowing the consolidation of legacy systems

All organizations

provide cost efficiencies through the greater automation of processes


demonstrate a commitment to core statutory function for collection, for present and future generations


inform business initiatives today through an understanding of previous decisions and rationale enabled by access to a complete set of reliable records


provide cost efficiencies through planned disposal and deletion according to specified retention schedules, which results in reduced storage requirements

Higher Education and Research

reduce duplication of infrastructure and effort by sharing services, systems and storage with other institutions

Higher Education and Research

demonstrate long term vision and planning

Higher Education and Research

make the right information is available at the right time, by using the most appropriate service

Higher Education and Research

support business continuity through sustained access to key business records

Higher Education and Research

improve future policy formation by supporting robust strategy, processes and procedures

Higher Education and Research

improve knowledge transfer during staff turnover and exits by sustaining access to a complete digital record

Higher Education and Research

remove the need for expensive and time-consuming data rescue and digital archaeology work on legacy data through appropriate planning and initial investment


transmit opportunities to future generations by ensuring the right cultural and creative data is available to the right people at the right time in the right format, for as long as necessary

Museums and Galleries

prevent interruptions to service and loss of earnings through resilient processes and sustained access to information which enable hardware and software updates, upgrades, obsolescence, failures and stoppages

Museums and Galleries

create efficiencies in workflow and processes, as well as potentially creating income through data re-use

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