Completed projects

JISC Digitisation Programme: Preservation Study

A DPC led consortium of the ULCC and Portico, undertook a study on behalf of JISC to review the preservation of the JISC Phase 2 digitisation programme. The successful proposal is available here.

DPC successful proposal (PDF 362KB)

A project blog is available at

Case Studies

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Mind the Gap: Assessing Digital Preservation Needs in the UK

June 2008

The Review Board for the ITT 'Mind the Gap' - follow up study reviewed responses to the ITT in mid-June. Whilst the Review Board found much to commend in the proposals it was decided not to award a contract at this time. The brief will be re-scoped to focus on actions for which the DPC or its members can take responsibility for and it will have a strong practical and achievable focus.

The 'Mind the Gap' report was published with 21 recommendations aimed at a range of stakeholders. To gauge which of these are the most important to the DPC community, members were asked to participate in a survey to consider the final 'Mind the Gap' recommendations. They voted on which recommendations would impact on their work and deliver the greatest benefit to the digital preservation community if achieved successfully.

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UK Needs Assessment

A UK Needs Assessment was identified as a key priority in the DPC Business Plan for 2003-2006 in order to identify the volume and level of risk and assigning priorities for action. The first stage of this exercise was a DPC Members survey. This was carried out between August 2003 and March 2004, with a Workshop in November 2003 to discuss preliminary results and determine further action required. The survey form used is available below and the final report of the DPC Members survey and annexes, by Duncan Simpson, who was commissioned to undertake the survey on behalf of the DPC are also available. The report of the Workshop is also available below, and this Powerpoint slide presented by Duncan Simpson at the Workshop, indicates the proposed timeframe for the UK Needs Assessment, assuming funding for key initiatives.

Other deliverables from the survey are the map of DPC members, which provides details of each DPC member and their interest in digital preservation and (where appropriate) what material they have undertaken responsibility for. The table of DPC Member projects was also derived from the survey, and will be periodically updated. A related follow up task was Scenarios of Risks of Data Loss, real-life examples where data was either lost or at risk, provided by some DPC members and collated by Duncan Simpson. This is available below.

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