The ability of an organisation to facilitate and provide the necessary resources to enable research.
What are the Risks of not preserving digital materials?
Organization Type | Risk | Potential Consequences |
Technologies used become obsolete; this may apply to elements such as hardware, software and file formats. |
The bits and bytes making up the digital information degrade over time. |
Insufficient contextual information (metadata) to understand the information and for it to be useful. |
Lack of supporting legislation to facilitate preservation, particularly relating to copyright/IPR, privacy and legal deposit. |
Rate of data creation outstrips capacity for storage, processing and preservation. |
Insufficient staffing/skills to be able to carry out successful preservation. |
Executive level support for digital preservation is not persistent |
Failure to engage with stakeholders at all stages of the record life-cycle |
Unable to fully capture and represent current events for future generations |
The hardware or software required to interpret, and present digital information is no longer available |
Research data not transferred to the relevant repository for preservation |
No active preservation carried out on data |
Data from an experiment that cannot be repeated is not preserved |
Data is inaccessible due to lack of preservation |
Data is not preserved with sufficient context, identifiers and documentation |
Data rendered usable through a lack of proactive use, updates, and checking |
Storage conditions are inadequate for preservation |
Preservation not carried out in a timely manner |
No active programme/processes aimed at acquiring digital objects/collections |
Organisation does not move important digital/digitized objects into a preservation system |
What Opportunities do preserved digital materials create?
Organization type |
Digital Preservation can… |
an investment in distinctiveness, competence and competitiveness by providing access to legacy data and digital systems which are essential for innovation, research, development |
capture potential by providing greater scope for innovation and reuse of data |
make available a dynamic, powerful information asset which represents an accurate social and cultural record |
inform business initiatives today through an understanding of previous decisions and rationale enabled by access to a complete set of reliable records |
provide opportunities for raising funds through the reuse of existing data |
generate income and new service models through the reuse of existing data |
provide opportunities for the reuse of historical research data for purposes not originally anticipated |
increase the potential for the re-use of digital material though established IPR |
help ensure that cultural and creative data, including the outputs of industry remains accessible, reusable and understandable |
create greater scope for innovation and reuse by using cultural and creative data at scale |
maintain access to digital outputs of cultural and creative industries which are essential for innovation, research, development |