Access, Use and Reuse

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Preservation Lifecycle


Series: an underestimated but valuable concept

Koen Dobbelaere & Quincy Oeyen work at Digital Archives Flanders for the Agency for Facility Operations of the Flemish Government The expanding digitization of the government brings new challenges regarding the management, the (long term) preservation and the disclosure of digitally created or digitally received information. To tackle these challenges in an efficient way Digital Archives Flanders uses the concept of ‘series’. We define a series as: “An aggregation of files...

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Record, upload, archive... repeat

Vera Ferreira is Depositing Officer for Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Lisbon, Portugal and Leonore Lukschy is Programme Administrator & Communications Officer for Organisation: Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Berlin, Germany Homepage of the Archive of Languages and Cultures of Ethnic Groups of Thailand (

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Capturing Digital Memory – Breaking Down Barriers

Lee-Anne Raymond is Manager of MV Images (DAMS) at Museums Victoria, Australia This year’s theme Breaking Down Barriers invokes imagery of protest marches, placards, actors suddenly bursting into song… Just me? Likely. Too much streaming in long lockdowns. Honestly, I really had to mull on the theme a bit, as I was concerned. How could I determine that barriers are being broken down from within a Museum where we do a lot of digitisation for reasons of physical preservation and...

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Records from the sea of islands: The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)

Nick Thieberger works for the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) and the University of Melbourne The distance between major population centres in the Pacific makes it difficult for residents of the sea of islands to access records in their languages. Even if records are stored in national museums or cultural centres, that can be some distance from most of the population. As the internet becomes more widely available, connection to these...

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Digitisation and digital preservation practice – making archives available and keeping it accessible (part 3)

Ros Malone is School Archivist for Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School in Perth, Australia Image Keys: Easing Barriers to Retrieval in the School Archives It’s a familiar problem for many Schools and School Archives, and indeed for collections of all kinds – what can be done with our vast collection of untitled, un-tagged digital images?

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Digitisation and digital preservation practice – making archives available and keeping it accessible (part 2)

Rosemary Grace Bruce-Mullins is Committee Member and Member of the Research Team at the Wentworth Historical Society Inc, Australia As a local History Society member digital preservation of records provides a multitude of benefits. An experience where the local town hall, that housed the history society collection, was firebombed, and thankfully saved, made us aware of the reality of losing the collection, and all the information it contained.

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Digitisation and digital preservation practice – making archives available and keeping it accessible (part 1)

Karuna Bhoday is Program Manager, Integrated Archival Management System Program at National Archives of Australia. The National Archives of Australia ensures that Australian Government information of enduring significance is identified, secured, preserved and accessible for future generations. To continue to meet our vision of being world leading archive in this digital age and to fulfil our functions now and into the future a high priority for the National Archives is to embed...

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Ethics of Access: Technology Watch Guidance Note available for Member preview

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Exploring ethical considerations for providing access to digital heritage collections by Lisa Smith, Jenny Wood, Greg Oakes and Madalyn Grant, is available as a one-month DPC Member preview from today.

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Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material: Technology Watch Guidance Note available for Member preview

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note, entitled Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material  by Brian Dietz and Shira Peltzman, is available as a Member preview from today. “The goal of digital preservation is access, and yet it's an area that has been historically underexplored,” Shira explains. “This resource provides some basic guidance for practitioners to help...

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Understanding User Needs: Technology Watch Guidance Note on Access to digital collections available on general release

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Understanding User Needs by Sharon McMeekin is available to the digital preservation community from today. Understanding User Needs provides a pragmatic approach to conducting and interpreting a user needs analysis, whilst highlighting the importance and significance of the results.

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Understanding User Needs: DPC publishes next in Technology Watch Guidance Note Series on Access to digital collections.

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Understanding User Needs by Sharon McMeekin is available as a one-month Member preview from today. Understanding User Needs provides a pragmatic approach to conducting and interpreting a user needs analysis, whilst highlighting the importance and significance of the results.

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Nothing About Us Without Us

I was asked recently to sketch out some thoughts about archives and artificial intelligence. I am drawn to the topic as usual but with little real clue of where to start, so my point of departure is a comment on ethics. I have no real mandate to frame the ethical tone for what should be a very important debate, but if we don’t start here – if we put technology first – then there’s every possibility that we will end in the wrong place, either through sterile solutionizing, or worse by selling...

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A foot in the door is worth two on the desk

Shibboleth I am asked, from time to time, how to persuade management that digital preservation matters. It’s a puzzling question in context and content. For a start, I am not sure I have ever persuaded anyone of anything. I have been on hand when people persuaded themselves but that’s not the same thing. It’s like finding the fire brigade at the scene of every major fire and assuming they are to blame. Moreover, I am not sure it’s possible to offer a global shibboleth for digital preservation...

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