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Call for Applicants: DPC Travel Grants for the No Time To Wait Conference

The DPC is pleased to announce it is offering two Career Development Fund travel grants to support members attending the 6th edition of The No Time To Wait Conference which will be hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision and on October 26th – 28th 2022 at Sound & Vision's media museum in The Hague, the Netherlands. These grants, detailed below, will contribute funding to help with the costs of travel for DPC members attending the conference in person....

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Digitisation of The Scotsman Collection: Digital Access and Preservation at Historic Environment Scotland

Christopher Viney is Archive Digitisation Officer at Historic Environment Scotland Over the past decade issues in access to archival collections have been thrown sharply into focus demonstrating the value of digitising analogue archival material. This provides a greater level of access and mitigates potential barriers that can often shut people out of our institutions. Indeed, digitisation and digital preservation provides a key tool in the work of Historic Environment Scotland to...

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EPISODE 3: Digital Preservation Futures with AVP

When: Wednesday 11 May 2022, 13:30 - 14:30 UTC+1 (click for local times) Where: Zoom This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn in response to a current theme which reflects member interests.  DPC Supporter products and services form an important part of how we address the digital preservation challenge. This series aims to present - in the context of member concerns - a portion of the digital preservation marketplace...

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'Personal Digital Preservation: Photographs and Video' by Richard Wright

{jcomments on} ‘The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Technology Watch Report Personal Digital Archiving provides an overall approach and methodology for putting one's “digital house” in order. My purpose in this case note is to add the gory detail about digital photos and video, giving a one-person case study. I say exactly what software and processes I use (and which ones I've considered but rejected, or used and discarded), and try to be frank about successes and...

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