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Preservation Planning


DP and Artificial Intelligence - A Four Point Plan

In June 2024 I was invited to give an opening keynote on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Preservation to a workshop of around 200 librarians organized by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), sponsored by the IFLA Information Technology Section, the IFLA IT Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence and IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section.  The workshop had the theme ‘AI and the future of digital preservation’ and my own presentation was followed...

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A preoccupation with preservation policies

Preoccupation (noun) - an idea or subject that someone thinks about most of the time (Cambridge Dictionary) I guess this is a fair description of my relationship with digital preservation policies over the last week or so as we have been working on a revision of the DPC’s Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit. What has been so good about having a bit of time to focus on this subject is the extent to which community resources and organizational policies already exist and can be easily...

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Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit 2.0 now available!

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has released a new version of the Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit to coincide with its Relaunch Roadshow in Australasia. Now freely available for anyone within the digital preservation community to use and designed for organizations of any type, the Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit guides users from initial research and preparation phases, through to drafting a policy, gathering feedback and communicating the finished policy. 

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DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A new case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet available on general release today, following a 1-month DPC Member preview. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a...

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Reviving Digital Preservation Policies at National Library of New Zealand

Martin Gengenbach is Digital Preservation Policy and Outreach Specialist, National Library of New Zealand There are many resources to help an organisation draft its first digital preservation policy, including the excellent guide provided by the DPC. There is less information about reviewing and revising policy documentation - though most policy guides recommend a regular process for doing so. Announcing an existing policy revision probably doesn’t sound as exciting as promoting a new...

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Upskilling and upscaling: digital preservation at the Houses of the Oireachtas Library

Kate McCarthy is Special Collections Librarian and manager of digitisation projects at the Houses of the Oireachtas Library It’s late in the evening. Do you know where your children are? And by children of course I mean all those digital files you’ve happily brought into existence in recent years. The documents, images, and datasets. The hundreds of thousands of tiffs, jpegs, pdfs, mp3s, mp4s and xml files. Are they under the supervision of a digital preservation system? Hanging...

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Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit

This Toolkit provides information to assist in the construction of a digital preservation policy. It will help guide you from initial research and preparation phases, to drafting your policy, gathering feedback and, finally, polishing and communicating the finished policy.  This Toolkit is for anyone who would like to create a policy focused on digital preservation. It is targeted at all those working with digital content who have chosen to, or are required to, create a policy to...

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