Preservation Lifecycle

The digital preservation lifecycle refers to all of the stages required to preserve and sustain access to digital content; from creation to ingest, management and administration to access and reuse.

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Access, Use and ReuseCreate or Receive (Acquire)DisposalIngestPreservation ActionPreservation PlanningStorage


Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group

Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group What is the Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group? The Web Archiving and Preservation Working Group (previously the Web Archiving & Preservation Task Force) provides a forum for participants to share their experiences, establish common goals, and inform their own policy development. It provides a mutually supportive environment for continued programme and policy development for DPC members and a mechanism through which non-members...

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A foot in the door is worth two on the desk

Shibboleth I am asked, from time to time, how to persuade management that digital preservation matters. It’s a puzzling question in context and content. For a start, I am not sure I have ever persuaded anyone of anything. I have been on hand when people persuaded themselves but that’s not the same thing. It’s like finding the fire brigade at the scene of every major fire and assuming they are to blame. Moreover, I am not sure it’s possible to offer a global shibboleth for digital preservation...

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Career Development Fund

Workforce Development in Digital Preservation The DPC recognizes the very great need among our members for access to specialist training for professional development, as well as the very great risks and costs that are incurred by those that provide and deliver such training. The DPC Career Development Fund (previously known as the Leadership Programme) has been created with the help of DPC’s Supporters to offer an ongoing programme of grants so that our members can attend training and...

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Preservation Planning for Personal Digital Collections by Paul Wilson

A condensed version of this case note also appears in the Technology Watch Report Personal Digital Archiving by Gabriela Redwine. Paul Wilson’s case note summarizes his attempts to find a suitable preservation planning process and associated documentation to apply to his personal digital collections. Since he could find no preservation planning process appropriate to individuals, he obtained a slide set detailing a simple preservation workflow from the Digital Preservation Coalition, and used...

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