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World Digital Preservation Day

About World Digital Preservation Day World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD) is held on the first Thursday of every November. Save the date for 7 November 2024, when we will celebrate all things digital preservaton! With the theme Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities, WDPD2024 is a great opportunity to connect the digital preservation community, and to celebrate the digital legacy of all types of communities around the world. The DPC invites all data creators, archivists,...

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The room of requirement: working together to set up a digital preservation lab at State Library Victoria

This blog has been written by Carey Garvie, Senior Digital Preservation Specialist, Library Systems & Digital Preservation and Susannah Bourke, Digital Archivist, Description Original Materials at State Library Victoria This year’s theme for World Digital Preservation Day - Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort feels extremely pertinent to our experience over the last year. In December 2022, State Library Victoria appointed two new Digital Preservation positions. Together these...

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How to make friends and expand your brain: why not give DPC Reading Club a try?

Earlier this year, we established our DPC Reading Club. It is something we had talked about doing for a while but we finally put those thoughts into action and held our first session in April this year. It has been a monthly fixture in our events calendar ever since and we even managed a face-to-face session at our unconference in June.   Our Reading Club sessions are small, informal and friendly and genuinely one of the highlights of my month. I was really sad to miss last month’s...

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Invitation to join our Python Study Group Launch & Information Session

Are you passionate about coding in Python, teaching others and supporting the digital preservation community? Or would you like to improve your coding skills and learn how to use Python for your digital preservation work? 

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Does net zero emissions from energy usage in the cloud mean carbon free digital preservation is on the horizon?

Matthew Addis is the Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum. If cloud infrastructure providers such as Google, AWS and Azure have net zero emissions from their use of energy, then does this mean we no longer need to worry about the carbon footprint of digital preservation in the cloud?  The answer is no.  Carbon emissions from energy consumption is just one part of the story.  The embodied footprint [7] of all the ICT servers that run in the cloud also needs to be taken into...

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DPC Reading Club: How the concept of AI technology impacts digital archival expertise

Today’s Reading Club session was a thought provoking discussion inspired by an article from Amber Cushing and Giulia Osti in the Journal of Documentation - “So how do we balance all of these needs?”: how the concept of AI technology impacts digital archival expertise (https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-08-2022-0170). The article summarized the thoughts and expectations of a focus group of archival practitioners around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the impact on expertise within the sector. After a...

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DPC Reading Club: a radical empathy approach to disk imaging

Our second DPC Reading Club was held last month and focused on an article by Monique Lassere and Jess M. Whyte called “Balancing Care and Authenticity in Digital Collections: A Radical Empathy Approach to Working with Disk Images” (available at https://doi.org/10.24242/jclis.v3i2.125) This paper was a great follow on from our reading from Thorsten Ries last time as it looked at the topic of digital forensics from a different angle, suggesting a ‘radical empathy’ approach to tackling disk...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grants for NTTW7 in Prague

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is pleased to announce it is offering up to two Career Development Fund travel grants to support DPC members attending the 7th edition of The No Time To Wait Conference (#NTTW7), which will be hosted by the Národní filmový archiv and MediaArea.net on November 8th – 10th 2023 at Kino NFA Ponrepo in Prague, Czechia. These grants, detailed below, will contribute funding to help with the costs of travel for DPC Members attending the conference in...

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DPC Reading Club: digital forensics and born-digital archives

Yesterday was the first meeting of DPC’s Reading Club…I’m hoping the first of many! A group of DPC Members met over Zoom for a friendly chat to discuss a recent article by Thorsten Ries - Digital history and born-digital archives: the importance of forensic methods.

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Clarifying the Cost of Curation: Community feedback required to decide the future of the Curation Costs Exchange

The Digital Preservation Coalition and Jisc as part of the 4C post-project consortium, are seeking community input to help decide the future of the Curation Costs Exchange (CCEx). The CCEx is a website (https://www.curationexchange.org) which was created as an output of the 4C project (https://www.4cproject.eu). It provides information about some fundamental concepts relating to costing digital preservation, as well as providing a Cost Comparison Tool (CCT) that allows registered users to...

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Level Up with RAM: New DPC resource supports progress in digital preservation maturity

The Digital Preservation Coalition has released a new resource designed to help organizations Level-up with RAM and move forward in their digital preservation capabilities using the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM). Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. With a 6-month DPC...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grant for 2023 IRMS Conference in Manchester

The DPC is pleased to offer a new Career Development Fund grant for the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS) 2023 Conference (#IRMS2023), 14-16 May, at Kimpton Clocktower Hotel, Manchester, UK. The grant will cover 100% of the registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel. More details about the grant are provided below, and applications are welcomed from DPC members until the grant application deadline of 7:00 UTC on 21st February 2023.

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grant for 2023 AMaGA Conference in Australia

The DPC is pleased to offer a new Career Development Fund grant for the Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) National Conference 2023 (#AMaGA2023), being held 16-19 May across Murrook Cultural Centre, Newcastle City Hall and Civic Theatre in Awabakal & Worimi Land Newcastle, Australia. The grant will cover 100% of the registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. More details about the grant are provided below, and applications are welcomed...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grants for IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023

The DPC is pleased to offer up to two Career Development Fund grants for members to attend the IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023 (#IIPCWAC23), being held in-person at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision located in Hilversum, the Netherlands, from 11-12 May 2023. Each grant will cover 100% of the registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. More details about the grants are provided below, and applications are welcomed from DPC...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grants for PV 2023 Conference in Geneva

The DPC is pleased to offer up to two Career Development Fund grants for members to attend the PV 2023 Conference – Adding value (to) and preserving Scientific and Technical data (#PV2023), taking place on 2-4 May at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, Switzerland. Each grant will cover 100% of conference registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. More details about the grants are provided below, and applications are...

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Calendar of Upcoming DPC Grants Now Available

The DPC is pleased to share a new calendar of upcoming 2023 Career Development Fund Grants, now available on the DPC website! The calendar provides a list of all planned 2023 Advertised Grant Opportunities with information on the format, location, dates of event or course, and when the Call For Applicants will be announced via the DPC News page.

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FAIR Digital Objects 2022 Conference – Challenges with terminology

Zoë Hollingworth is Collections Systems Lead at V&A South Kensington and part-time PhD student in History of Art at the University of Edinburgh. She recently attended FDO2022 with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. With a grant from the Digital Preservation Coalition, I was fortunate enough to attend the 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022) held in Leiden, Holland, 26th to 28th October 2022. The conference was...

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Reimagining the digital preservation workflows of Archives - FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022

Thandokazi Maceba is a Data Curation Officer at the Libraries of the University of Cape Town (UCT). She recently attended The FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022 in Cape Town, with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. I discovered the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022 at a time in my career when I was searching for ways to improve my skills set and broaden my scope in the Library and Information Sciences sector. I like the fact that it was happening in...

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File format recommendations - I wouldn’t say they are unacceptable, but I wouldn’t recommend them either

Last week I joined a webinar entitled “A Comparison of Recommended File Formats and the New Dutch Method for File Format Assessment”. It’s great to see the outcomes of this collaborative work, and it’s clear that it has already played an important role in bringing out some key themes in the preservation approaches of various organizations. But I felt that a number of aspects give cause for concern. The collation of file format policies has highlighted some approaches that I believe should be...

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Tapping the (Open) Source – No Time To Wait 2022

Nigel Bryant is Audiovisual Digitisation Officer at the University of Bristol Theatre Collection. He recently attended No Time To Wait 6 with support from a travel grant from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. As part of my role, I am constantly striving to improve processes and workflow for the preservation of AV materials. I am currently implementing an open source workflow employing the Matroska (.mkv) video format, ideally using entirely Free and Open...

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