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Breaking Down Preservation Barriers, One Small Step at a Time

Elizabeth Kata is Archives Associate for the International Atomic Energy Agency based in Austria Let’s face it, there are a lot of barriers to preservation, often due to a lack of resources. An institution needs enough staff and sufficient training opportunities for said staff, technical infrastructure, and an institutional commitment to finance preservation measures. When we began examining our digital holdings in 2020, we encountered a variety of barriers, both anticipated and unexpected.

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Digital preservation reading club?

Barbara Sierman is a Digital Preservation Consultant  Is digital preservation a profession? And if so, what characterizes it as a profession? If you look at a skilled carpenter, the professionalism is defined by the skills of the carpenter, the tools that are used, the flexibility to apply centuries old knowledge in different situations and materials and above all, to expand this knowledge.

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Record, upload, archive... repeat

Vera Ferreira is Depositing Officer for Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Lisbon, Portugal and Leonore Lukschy is Programme Administrator & Communications Officer for Organisation: Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Berlin, Germany Homepage of the Archive of Languages and Cultures of Ethnic Groups of Thailand (https://langarchive-th.org)

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Capturing Digital Memory – Breaking Down Barriers

Lee-Anne Raymond is Manager of MV Images (DAMS) at Museums Victoria, Australia This year’s theme Breaking Down Barriers invokes imagery of protest marches, placards, actors suddenly bursting into song… Just me? Likely. Too much streaming in long lockdowns. Honestly, I really had to mull on the theme a bit, as I was concerned. How could I determine that barriers are being broken down from within a Museum where we do a lot of digitisation for reasons of physical preservation and...

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Records from the sea of islands: The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)

Nick Thieberger works for the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) and the University of Melbourne The distance between major population centres in the Pacific makes it difficult for residents of the sea of islands to access records in their languages. Even if records are stored in national museums or cultural centres, that can be some distance from most of the population. As the internet becomes more widely available, connection to these...

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Understanding User Needs: Technology Watch Guidance Note on Access to digital collections available on general release

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Understanding User Needs by Sharon McMeekin is available to the digital preservation community from today. Understanding User Needs provides a pragmatic approach to conducting and interpreting a user needs analysis, whilst highlighting the importance and significance of the results.

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DPC Welcomes National Library of New Zealand in Trans-Tasman Collaboration for Digital Preservation

After a brief hiatus Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the National Library of New Zealand, has rejoined the National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) network. In the meanwhile, NSLA has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition, so by rejoining NSLA, the DPC is delighted also to welcome NLNZ into the Coalition.

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EPISODE 6: Digital Preservation Futures with Preservica

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

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EPISODE 4: Digital Preservation Futures with AVP

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

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EPISODE 3: Digital Preservation Futures with Artefactual

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

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EPISODE 2: Digital Preservation Futures with Arkivum

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

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EPISODE 1: Digital Preservation Futures with LIBNOVA

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

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Digital Preservation Workflows Webinar Series and COW-a-thon event

Recordings of Workflows Webinar Series (DPC Members please login to view) 20th April, 1300 - 1430 (UK) Episode 1: Preparations and ingest Business planning with Jaye Weatherburn, University of Melbourne {!guest} {/guest} Pre-ingest checks and ingest preparation for digital legal deposit material with Roxana Maurer, Bibliotheque nationale du Luxembourg {!guest} {/guest} Ingest to Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) with Fabi Barticioti, LSE...

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Previous Versions of DPC RAM

Previous versions of DPC Rapid Assessment Model are available below: Version 1 Version 1 (2019) - The DPC Rapid Assessment Model - the full model and worksheet The first version of DPC RAM was officially launched in September 2019 in the Lightning Talks session of the iPRES conference in Amsterdam and with the following blog post: Introducing the DPC RAM Version 1 translations: Français  - Grille d'évaluation rapide (French) 日本語  - デジタル保存連合...

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DPC RAM Webinar

Having a clear idea of the current state of your digital preservation capabilities can greatly aid how you plan to enhance your capacity and operations. The DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organisation’s digital preservation capability. The DPC invites everyone interested in benchmarking their digital preservation capabilities to attend this webinar, which will include an...

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Benchmarking the DPC using RAM - webinar

DPC's Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) was launched as a DPC Member benefit in September 2019. More information about DPC RAM including a recording from an introductory Members-only webinar can be accessed on the DPC RAM web pages. In this Member's only webinar the DPC will summarise DPC Member engagement with RAM and present anonymised statistics and analysis collected from DPC Members.  There will also be ample opportunity for Q&A, discussion and feedback on DPC RAM. DPC Members...

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Benchmarking the DPC using RAM - webinar

DPC's Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) was launched as a DPC Member benefit in September 2019. More information about DPC RAM including a recording from an introductory Members-only webinar can be accessed on the DPC RAM web pages. In this Member's only webinar the DPC will summarise DPC Member engagement with RAM and present anonymised statistics and analysis collected from DPC Members.  There will also be ample opportunity for Q&A, discussion and feedback on DPC RAM. DPC Members...

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Introducing the DPC RAM

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t control it.” Martin Robb, National Programme Manager, NDA   I’ve heard this phrase several times since starting work on a digital preservation project with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority here in the UK. Colleagues at the NDA were very keen that as part of our two year project with them, we found an appropropriate way of measuring where they are now in their digital preservation journey and establishing a clear direction of travel. Maturity...

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Preservation Planning for Personal Digital Collections by Paul Wilson

A condensed version of this case note also appears in the Technology Watch Report Personal Digital Archiving by Gabriela Redwine. Paul Wilson’s case note summarizes his attempts to find a suitable preservation planning process and associated documentation to apply to his personal digital collections. Since he could find no preservation planning process appropriate to individuals, he obtained a slide set detailing a simple preservation workflow from the Digital Preservation Coalition, and used...

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