Higher Education and Research Institutions cover a range of remits and digital materials. Within one organization, there is likely to be a requirement to collect and preserve research data, archives and special collections materials, library information and university records. This may sound complex but working collaboratively across all of these departments can amplify the digital preservation message across the entire institution.
You may also want to check Archives and Libraries Specific Risks.
What is Digital Preservation?
- Planning and strategizing to sustain access to digital research data for as long as is required,
- Preserving continuity as well as functionality for future research,
- Ensuring data remains accessible and usable,
- Providing staff and users with sufficient digital preservation skills to fulfil their part of the data management process.
What are the Risks of not preserving digital materials?
Risks |
Possible Consequences |
Key Motivators |
Unable to fully capture and represent current events for future generations |
Inability to access legal documentation, institutional history and decision-making precedents |
The hardware or software required to interpret, and present digital information is no longer available |
Research data not transferred to the relevant repository for preservation |
Lack of vendor accountability |
No active preservation carried out on data |
Data from an experiment that cannot be repeated is not preserved |
Data is inaccessible due to lack of preservation |
Data is not preserved with sufficient context, identifiers and documentation |
Data rendered unusable through a lack of proactive use, updates, and checking |
Litigation from consumers if data made available is not reliable and trustworthy |
What Opportunities do preserved digital materials create?
Digital Preservation can… |
Key Motivators |
demonstrate, to funders, a commitment to the sustainability of their investment and the cultural record |
demonstrate compliance with institutional and funder policies on data management policies |
create a pathway for smaller organizations to take advantage of enterprise level infrastructure through shared or cloud services |
reduce duplication of infrastructure and effort by sharing services, systems and storage with other institutions |
demonstrate long term vision and planning |
provide opportunities for raising funds through the reuse of existing data |
generate income and new service models through the reuse of existing data |
provide opportunities for the reuse of historical research data for purposes not originally anticipated |
make the right information is available at the right time, by using the most appropriate service |
save on storage costs by enabling documented appraisal, disposal and deletion procedures |
increase the potential for the re-use of digital material though established IPR |
demonstrate greater transparency through documented audit trails |
support business continuity through sustained access to key business records |
avoid wasted expenditure and reduce long-term operational costs by considering access and reuse at the stage of data generation, creation and system design. |
inform and educate the public by enabling access to diverse digital data and records |
improve future policy formation by supporting robust strategy, processes and procedures |
demonstrate, to the public purse, a commitment to maintaining the sustainability of the cultural record |
inspire the trust and understanding of future users, by providing a complete digital record |
improve knowledge transfer during staff turnover and exits by sustaining access to a complete digital record |
enable informed and planned disposal as well as retention which mitigates the continuous increase in the volume of time-series data, as well as the cost of managing it |
remove the need for expensive and time-consuming data rescue and digital archaeology work on legacy data through appropriate planning and initial investment |
What do Higher Education and Research institutions need to enable Digital Preservation?
All organisations require the same things to enable effective digital preservation.