2 December 2020 | 3rd December 2020 | 08:00 - 11:00 AEDT (UTC+11) Online | Zoom

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) invites you to join us for a beginners-level training event on web archiving to be held in the AEDT time zone.

Efforts to archive the Web have been ongoing for more than twenty years, but the work has largely been confined to a relatively small number of national institutions and universities. If we are to capture a true representation of society’s online activities, we must broaden the number and types of organizations undertaking web archiving. With this in mind, the DPC worked in partnership with the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) to produce a suite of web archiving training resources for beginners, which will be presented at this training event over two mornings.

The training will introduce web archiving, the processes involved, details of key tools, and information on important supporting activities such as user analysis, risk management, and policy writing. Two practical case studies will also be provided, as well time for group discussion and practical exercises.

Who is the event for?

The training will benefit anyone who is new to web archiving. This may include: practitioners in organisations which do not currently undertake web archiving, recently appointed staff in organisations with an established web archiving programme, colleagues who recently moved into a role which involves some web archiving, students or interns undertaking placements in a related area, managers who wish to gain a basic understanding of how web archiving works and experienced digital preservation professionals who are not familiar with web archiving. 

What we will cover:
  • Why do we archive the web?

  • Collecting strategies

  • Workflows and processes

  • User groups and needs

  • Risk management and benefits analysis

  • Writing a web archiving policy

Day One (Wednesday 2nd)

08:00 - Welcome and Introductions

08:10 - Why Do We Archive the Web?

08:30 - Approaches to Collecting Web Archives

09:10 - Group Discussion

09:30 - Break

09:45 - Web Archiving Workflows:

    • Overview

    • Capture

    • Preserve

    • Playback

10:45 - Group Discussion

11:00 - Wrap-Up Day One

Day Two (Thursday 3rd)

08:00 - Welcome

08:10 - User Groups and User Needs

08:35 - Identifying Risks and Benefits

08:55 - Risk Management Exercise

09:30 - Break

09:45 - Case Study – National Library of Luxembourg

10:05 - Case Study – State Library of New South Wales (Australia)

10:25 - Developing a Web Archiving Policy

10:45 - Group Discussion

11:00 - Wrap-Up Day Two

How to Register:

Places are strictly limited and should be booked in advance. Registration is free.

Places for DPC members will be restricted to three places for full members and one place for associates on a first come, first served basis.


If you have any queries please contact john.mcmillan@dpconline.org.

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