12 June 2018 | 10:00 - 16:00 Glasgow | University of Glasgow Library

Connecting the Bits is a day-long networking and planning event designed to help members keep in touch with each other and with the state of the art in digital preservation. This year we're taking over the Glasgow University Library for an "unconference style" day of knowledge exchange and strategic planning.

As usual we’ll be opening the floor to our members. The agenda will be generated by participants in the morning, then delivered in the afternoon. This format privileges debate and discussion, and it ensures that anyone with a burning issue or success story has a chance to share it. Because members set the agenda, it provides a unique opportunity to steer the Coalition's programme for the coming year.

The event is only open to members, so participants can speak candidly and openly about successes, failures, plans and threats. With the continuing momentum of a growing membership we've every reason to expect that 'Connecting the Bits' 2018 will be another great opportunity to build an ever-stronger platform for co-operation and collaboration between participants.

Full members may register up to 3 delegates and are asked to prepare a 3 minute presentation on 3 key topics:

  • 1 recent success story from their organisation,
  • 1 key digital preservation challenge likely to surface in the next 5 years, and
  • 1 notable example of upcoming work (which may or may not be affected by that challenge).

Associate Members may register one delegate for the event, adding others to a waiting list which will be allocated a week before.

Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided. That is part of the purpose. There will be a remarkable concentration of digital preservation expertise at 'Connecting the Bits' and we fully expect that a great deal of useful business will be conducted informally at lunchtime and over coffee breaks. There will be opportunities for small groups to assemble and evolve through the day. We expect that products will be reviewed and debunked; projects will be imagined and designed; professional relationships established and renewed; practical know-how will be shared; strategic alignment will be enabled: all informally and all by virtue of having the right people in the right place at the same time.

If that's not enough, for the first time we’ll be holding ‘Digital Preservation Futures’  a new annual community forum which will bring together members and Commercial Supporters to build on the themes explored during Connecting the Bits, and brainstorm how to manage some of the challenges on the horizon.

Who is the event for?

'Connecting the Bits' is designed to privilege operational staff working directly on digital preservation. We are particularly keen to hear from three groups: junior staff recently appointed and looking for opportunities to build their professional networks; new entrants to digital preservation seeking to apply professional know-how to this new field; and experienced practitioners who might not normally attend the DPC Board but have clear insights into the challenges of digital preservation in their own institutions and are well placed to steer the DPC's practical programme. Senior staff, researchers and students are also welcome, though it's the practical know how that will be most prominent.

There will be a mechanism for those who are unable to attend in person to contribute to the discussion.


  • 10.00 - Registration opens, followed by prompt 10.30 start
  • 10.30 - Agenda setting, opening presentations (webcast for members only)
  • 11.30 - Coffee and networking
  • 12.00 - First Break out session
  • 13.00 - Lunch and networking
  • 14.00 - Second Break out session
  • 15.00 - Feedback from break out sessions and round up
  • 16.00 - Close

Missed it?

There are a number of ways for members to engage remotely:

DPC Members please login to watch the recording

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Watch the Recording




















Read the Notes


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