23 May 2019 | 15:00 - 16:00 (BST) Online

This series of webinars accompanies the Digital Preservation Futures: Community Forum in Dublin on 2nd July.

Featuring our DPC Supporters in turn, these webinars will showcase product and service offerings before the DPC's Paul Wheatley challenges each to respond on a series of themes which represent (his interpretation of) member concerns. Members may then pose their own questions on how Supporters would manage their concerns in a question and answer session.

DPC Members are encouraged to attend the webinar sessions as Supporter products and services form an important part of how we address the digital preservation challenge. This series aims to present - in the context of member concerns - a portion of the digital preservation marketplace offerings, in order to help members identify what is still missing and community needs.


  • Peter Anderton, VP Product Management for Preservica

Watch the recording

DPC Members and Supporters please login to watch the recording

What's next?

The digital preservation community has many parts; those who create data, the curators who are charged with looking after our digital legacy, solution providers who support the preservation process and those who consume the digital information successfully and continuously preserved. These groups cannot operate independently and alone, each relies on the others to do their bit, to enable the sustained and immediate access to digital information we have all come to expect.

An extension of the DPC Member’s ‘Connecting the Bits’ feedback process which will take place over the preceding months, and this accompanying webinar series, the Digital Preservation Futures: Community Forum 2019 is a half-day event which will provide a neutral forum to summarise the key challenges anticipated by members, before inviting speakers from our DPC Supporters to collaborate and develop new ideas.

Find out more about the Digital Preservation Futures: Community Forum 2019

DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy

The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. It encourages diversity in all its forms and is committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation. The DPC asks all those who are part of this community and/or attending a DPC event be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.