25 April 2018 | 8am PST - 10am CT - 4pm BST/CET Online Webinar

The Software Preservation Webinar Series provides a survey of software preservation contexts. Each episode explores a different software preservation context by providing an overview, discussion with guest speakers (specialists in digital preservation, software studies, scholarly communication, open source software and more) and open discussion with attendees.

The webinar series is jointly hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition and the Software Preservation Network.

EPISODE 1: Software Preservation Overview

This episode provides an overview of software preservation including past and current programmatic and project-based efforts to address key facets of software preservation such as metadata & standards, law & policy, technological infrastructure, research and training & education. Presenters provide additional detail about the subsequent episodes in the series, and solicit questions/topics from attendees that will inform open discussion with guests.

Sharing experiences and perspectives is critical to understanding the hurdles in software preservation, to imagining future use of software-dependent data, and to forming a mutual understanding of where collective action is necessary to facilitate those future uses so we hope you can join the discussion.


  • Jessica Meyerson, Software Preservation Network
  • Paul Wheatley, Digital Preservation Coalition
  • Introduced and moderated by William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition

Watch the recording

(Runtime 48mins)

Read the Chat from the webinar: Episode 1

Supplementary Resources

Websites & Blogs

bwFLA – Emulation as a service website http://eaas.uni-freiburg.de/ 

CAMiLEON Project Website, https://web.archive.org/web/20060801000000*/http:/www.si.umich.edu/CAMILEON/

JISC Funded Workshops on Software Preservation: Raising awareness of preservation issues within software development https://softwarepreservation.jiscinvolve.org/wp/ 

Mapstalgia Blog, Josh Millard http://mapstalgia.tumblr.com/

Variable Media Initiative, Guggenheim website https://www.guggenheim.org/conservation/the-variable-media-initiative

Software Heritage website https://www.softwareheritage.org/

Software Preservation Network Series, BLOGGERS! The Blog of SAA’s Electronic Record Section

Articles & Reports

Cochrane, E. Rendering Matters. Archives New Zealand.

Newman,J.(2011). (Not) Playing Games: Player-Produced Walkthroughs as Archival Documents of Digital Gameplay. International Journal of Digital Curation. 2011; Issue 2, Volume 6. https://doi.org/10.2218/ijdc.v6i2.206

Swade,D.(1993). The Problems of Software Conservation. (Computer RESURRECTION, The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society [Autumn 1993].1993;Issue 7) http://www.computerconservationsociety.org/resurrection/res07.htm#f

Software Heritage – Why and How to Preserve Source Code https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01590958/document

SPN Curation Readiness Working Group Reports

  • Report 1: Exploring Curation-ready Software Use Cases
  • Report 2: Improving Curation-readiness https://osf.io/crfyv/

“The Emularity” blog post, Jason Scott, Internet Archive, Textfiles.com http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/4546

2017 Report on the First IEEE Workshop on the Future of Research Curation and Research Reproducibility

The Software Preservation Network (SPN): A Community Effort to Ensure Long Term Access to Digital Cultural Heritage, D-Lib Magazine, May/June 2017, Volume 23, Number ⅚ http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may17/meyerson/05meyerson.html

Ongoing Discussion

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