Added on 3 February 2023

Following the recent announcement about new DPC working groups and task forces, DPC Members are invited to join us for the Kick Off meeting for the Audio Visual Working Group.

In response to requests from Members, the DPC is setting-up an Audiovisual (AV) Working Group. This group will provide a Member-only forum to discuss issues and challenges relating to the preservation of digital content that is either audio, video, or both. The focus will be specifically on the digital preservation aspects of managing AV materials (rather than sampling rates, configuring large volumes of high-performance storage etc.). Initially, the group will meet every two months, for discussion of a topic suggested by the Members.

The AVWG will provide an opportunity to share experiences, discuss good practice, and identify and address common problems. It will aim to complement, not duplicate, the activities of any pre-existing groups, meetings, or activities that address the long-term preservation of AV content. Priority will be given to discussions of real-world experiences and examples of proven good practice.

This short kick-off meeting will consider the draft Terms of Reference for the AVWG (please log in to view), and discuss ideas and topics for future meetings.

Please come along and help shape the future direction and focus of this group by registering here!

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