Added on 12 April 2023

The DPC is pleased to offer a Career Development Fund grant for DPC Members to attend the Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities (DCDC) Conference (#DCDC23), taking place 11-13 July, in Durham, UK, and online via EventsAir.

This grant will cover 100% of conference registration and provide an additional contribution towards travel and accommodation if attending in person. More details about the grant are provided below, and applications are welcomed from DPC members until the grant application deadline of 7:00 UTC on 2nd May 2023.

About the DCDC Conference

Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities (DCDC) is an annual conference for the gallery, archive, library, museum and academic sectors. Open and inclusive in its ethos, DCDC provides a platform for colleagues to come together in joint conversation, looking beyond their own specialisms to forge new partnerships and enhance the social, cultural and economic impact of our unique collections. The National Archives and Jisc are delighted to welcome the British Library as a new partner in the delivery and organisation of the interdisciplinary Discovering Collections: Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference series.

The next DCDC Conference, DCDC23, will be held in person and online from 11 to 13 July 2023, at Durham University, UK. The theme of the conference is Radical reimagining: interplays of physical and virtual. DCDC23 invites delegates to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of navigating the interplay between the physical and the virtual, the ‘materiality’ of physical collections and digital interventions. The conference offers an opportunity to explore the new ways of working within the GLAMA (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Academia) sector and is an invitation to collectively imagine the sector's new hybrid material futures, as well as the future of DCDC as a vehicle for collaboration, creativity and community. 

DCDC23's programme explores:

  • Physical and virtual: The immersive reality market has grown apace and there has been a marked increase in the use of emerging technologies such as 3D printing for reconstruction, restoration, engagement and inclusion.
  • Materiality of physical collections: Material encounters are at the heart of what collections-holding institutions do, and how we collaborate, interact, and use our resources is undertaking a radical reimaging with digital at the forefront.
  • Digital preservation: Global cultural heritage emergencies have demanded we explore the ethics of digital reconstructions and replicas with the increased need for remote access.

For more information about DCDC23 please visit the conference website here.

About the DPC Career Development Fund Grant

This Career Development Fund grant will cover 100% of the fees for online or in-person conference registration (please see the conference registration page for more details on different registration types and fees).

Successful candidates attending in-person will also receive a contribution towards travel and accommodation, which will be offered up to the following limits:

  • Domestic travel - £150
  • Intra-Continental travel - £300
  • Inter-Continental travel - £750

If your grant application is successful, you will be asked whether you would like to receive in-person or online-only registration. For more details about eligibility and criteria, please read the Career Development Fund Guidelines.



All DPC Members are eligible to apply for this Career Development Fund grant. This includes prospective members whose request to join is approved by the application deadline of 07:00 UTC on 2nd May 2023. Career Development Fund grants are not available to non-members. For information about joining the DPC, see

Please note that only one grant is available per member per advertised call. In other words, DPC members may submit a maximum of one application for one applicant for this advertised call (i.e., one application for a person representing a DPC member organization). We recommend that any member organization which supports an application discusses appropriate outcomes and benefits for the organization prior to submission. Moreover, because only one grant is available per member organization, we recommend that applicants ensure that they are not inadvertently competing with colleagues. 

For more details about eligibility and criteria for DPC grants, please read the full Career Development Fund Guidelines. Applicants are also encouraged to contact the Training & Grants Manager, Amy Currie (, should any questions arise.


How to Apply 


Important Dates  

  • All sections of the application form should be completed and returned, accompanied by explicit approval for attendance from a supervisor, by 7:00 UTC on 2nd May 2023 (click here to see in local time).

  • Successful applicants will be notified on or before 16th May 2023


Further Information



The Career Development Fund is sponsored by the DPC’s Supporters who recognize the benefit and seek to support a connected and trained digital preservation workforce. We gratefully acknowledge their financial support to this programme and ask applicants to acknowledge that support in any communications that result. At the time of writing, the Career Development Fund is supported by Arkivum, Artefactual Systems Inc., AVP, Ex Libris, Iron Mountain, Libnova, Max Communications, Preservica and Twist Bioscience. A full list of supporters is online here.


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