Added on 17 January 2023

The DPC is pleased to offer up to two Career Development Fund grants for members to attend the PV 2023 Conference – Adding value (to) and preserving Scientific and Technical data (#PV2023), taking place on 2-4 May at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, Switzerland.

Each grant will cover 100% of conference registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. More details about the grants are provided below, and applications are welcomed from DPC members until the grant application deadline of 7:00 UTC on 7th February 2023.

About the PV 2023 Conference

The PV Conference welcomes you to its 10th edition (PV2023), to be held at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. PV2023 will continue to address prospects in the domain of data preservation, stewardship and value-adding to scientific data and research related information.

For this conference anniversary year, PV2023 would like to extend a special invite to large-scale scientific archives to facilitate discussion of emergent issues across scientific domains. As we move to a new and exciting technology age, we are seeing large-scale collaborations occurring on state-of-the-art virtual research environments and novel collaborative infrastructures. The coupling of archives with high-performance exploitation platforms gives us enormous possibilities for mass data analytics and interdisciplinary investigations.

PV2023 invites participation from projects, organizations or individuals developing novel data services within or as a result of these environments. This includes smaller bespoke archives wishing to integrate with larger data holdings to generate targeted knowledge and data services. With respect to previous conferences in this series, and whilst maintaining the overall thematic focus, additional goals for PV2023 include:

  • Attracting more scientific communities
  • Broadening information exchange, sharing of experiences, tools and even services
  • Keeping in step with (or ahead of) funding agencies / policy makers in their push for long term data preservation and Open Data

The conference aims to address three thematic areas:

  • Theme 1: Ensuring long-term data and knowledge preservation (the "P" in PV)
  • Theme 2: Adding value to data and facilitation of data use (the "V" in PV)
  • Theme 3: Challenges of incorporating complex policy, technology, standards and principles in Open Data Environments

The conference will consist of sessions to address these themes, as well as a session of keynote speeches followed by a panel discussion, and a 'Minute Madness' session to present posters. Additional sessions may be developed closer to the event.

The conference will be held in person, onsite at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

Further details can be found by visiting the conference website at


About the DPC Career Development Fund Grants

Each Career Development Fund grant will cover 100% of the fees for registration (for more information about registration and what is included, please visit the conference registration page here). 

Successful candidates will also receive a contribution towards travel and accommodations, which will be offered up to the following limits:

  • Domestic travel - £150
  • Intra-Continental travel - £300
  • Inter-Continental travel - £750



All DPC Members are eligible to apply for this Career Development Fund grant. This includes prospective members whose request to join is approved by the application deadline of 07:00 UTC on 7th February 2023. Career Development Fund grants are not available to non-members. For information about joining the DPC, see

Please note that only one application can be made per member (e.g., one application for one staff member representing a DPC member organization). We recommend that any member organization which supports an application discusses appropriate outcomes and benefits for the organization prior to submission. Moreover, because only one grant is available per member institution, we recommend that applicants ensure that they are not inadvertently competing with colleagues. 

For more details about eligibility and criteria for the grants, please read the full Career Development Fund Guidelines


How to Apply 

  • All sections of the application form should be completed and returned to Amy Currie (, accompanied by explicit approval for attendance from a supervisor (via email or attached letter), by 7:00 UTC on 7th February 2023 (click here to see your local time).

  • Please note that only one grant is available per member per call. In other words, DPC members may submit a maximum of one application for one applicant for this advertised grant. There cannot be multiple applicants representing the same DPC member, so please coordinate with colleagues to ensure one application is submitted. 

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Training and Grants Manager, Amy Currie (, should any questions arise.


Important Dates  

  • All sections of the application form should be completed and returned, accompanied by explicit approval for attendance from a supervisor, by 7:00 UTC on 7th February 2023 (click here to see local time).

  • Successful applicants will be notified on or before 28th February 2023 


Further Information



The Career Development Fund is sponsored by the DPC’s Supporters who recognize the benefit and seek to support a connected and trained digital preservation workforce. We gratefully acknowledge their financial support to this programme and ask applicants to acknowledge that support in any communications that result. At the time of writing, the Career Development Fund is supported by Arkivum, Artefactual Systems Inc., AVP, Ex Libris, Iron Mountain, Libnova, Max Communications, Preservica and Twist Bioscience. A full list of supporters is online here.


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