Added on 11 October 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has met for the first time under its new Americas program this week, with events in New York and Washington DC.

Taking place on Tuesday 8th and Thursday 10th October, DPC Members in the Americas plus invited guests gathered in both cities for exciting full-day programs of keynote presentations and discussions. The program offering the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss key themes and begin to shape the DPC Americas program to meet the needs of the region.

“We are thrilled to have gathered representatives of the DPC Members and stakeholders from across our region, so that we can share plans and get input to ensure DPC’s program of work here provides an enormous benefit both to digital preservation practitioners and the communities they serve,” says Anna Perricci, who leads the DPC’s Americas program.

“The DPC’s aim is to support and complement all of the ongoing good work across the Americas, as well as offering activities to organizations within local time zones. By establishing a presence in the Americas, the DPC expands its collaboration with the established, robust digital preservation community across the region to collaborate, celebrate and sustain their activities and amplify them for DPC members around the world.”

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More details of future Americas program events will be published on the DPC website.

The DPC is an international charitable foundation and world class network of expertise which helps its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.

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