Added on 19 November 2021



The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share a Japanese translation of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM), with thanks to volunteer contributors.

Now available as a PDF download in Japanese, the second edition of the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability.

“When we first released DPC RAM just over 2 years ago we had no idea it would be embraced by so many across the digital preservation community,” explains Jen Mitcham, Head of Research and Practice for the DPC and one of the DPC RAM co-creators. “To see it translated into different languages and now Japanese is incredibly encouraging. We are really grateful the volunteer translators for making this happen.”

Over the years, the DPC’s work has included the production of many guides and reports which have supported the development of digital preservation tools and standards, as well as the professional community engaged in digital preservation. These resources have predominantly been in English, but they are of universal relevance. The translation of DPC material into other languages is therefore a vital way of supporting the digital preservation community across the world.

The Japanese translation of the DPC RAM released today is made available as part of the DPC’s policy and a wider program of work to provide better access to support for the practitioners who need it, wherever they are in the world. With the ultimate aim to share all of its key resources in a range of languages, the DPC is working with volunteer translations and digital preservation networks around the world.

The DPC is an international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, helping its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy regardless of geography.

To offer a translation, please contact


デジタル保存連合 (DPC) では、ラピッド・アセスメントモデル (以下、DPC RAM)日本語版がボランティアの方々のご協力によって発刊の運びとなりましたことを、たいへん喜ばしくお知らせいたします。

PDF版でダウンロードしていただけますDPC RAM第2版は、組織のデジタル保存能力の迅速なベンチマーキングを行うために設計された、デジタル保存成熟度モデルツールです。

「DPC RAMがこのように幅広いデジタル保存コミュニティーに取り入れられるとは、2年余前にリリースした時点では想像もしませんでした」と、ジェン・ミッチャム(DPC調査・実践小委員会長およびDPC RAM共同制作者)は語ります。「このツールが様々な言語に翻訳され、今や日本語にまで及んだということは、我々にとって本当に励みとなっています。それを実現させてくださった翻訳・監修ボランティアの皆さんへの感謝の念に堪えません。」


本日リリースされたDPC RAM日本語版は、当連合の方針および計画の一環として、世界各地でデジタル保存に携わる人々が必要とするサポートの利用を容易にしようと制作されたものです。当連合は、基軸資料すべてを様々な言語で共有するという最終目標に向かって、翻訳ボランティアの方々や世界のデジタル保存関連ネットワークと共に翻訳活動を進めています。



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