DPC signs Memorandum of Unverstanding with the The Library of Congress

The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program of the Library of Congress (NDIIPP) was established after Congress gave approval to the Library of Congress to develop the program in December 2000. In January 2004, Congress approved the Library of Congress's plan for NDIIPP, which will enable the Library of Congress to launch the first phase of building a national infrastructure for the collection and long-term preservation of digital content. Funds released will allow testing various technical models for capturing and preserving content.
Laura Campbell, Associate Librarian for Strategic Initiatives, Library of Congress, and Lynne Brindley, Director of the British Library and Chair of the DPC, sign the agreement.
An Editor's Interview with Laura Campbell appeared in the June 2003 issue of RLG DigiNews.
A hallmark of NDIIPP and the DPC has always been to work collaboratively with others so it was a logical step for the two organisations to agree to work together. The occasion of the DPC Forum held in June 2004 provided an opportunity for Laura Campbell and Lynne Brindley to formally sign the document committing the two organisations to work together, which had already been agreed to in principle. The agreement foreshadows keeping each other informed of relevant developments and working together on specific working groups as the need arises.