Added on 22 November 2022

Harvard bannerThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome the Harvard Library as its newest associate member.

With an active digital preservation program since 2000, Harvard Library has a longstanding stewardship commitment to ensure current and future access to and (re)use of materials critical to the University’s research, teaching, and learning mission. The Harvard Library views digital preservation as a process of facilitating meaningful, technically-mediated human communication throughout time.

“The DPC is both a center of excellence and focal point of cooperative community efforts. DPC resources and initiatives are a complement to existing and planned Harvard Library capacities and activities,” says Stephen Abrams, Head of Digital Preservation at Harvard Library.

“Joining also is a natural extension of one of the Library’s leading values: Seek collaboration. We look forward to working alongside fellow DPC members on grand challenge opportunities to sustain the longevity, authenticity, accessibility, and usability of the human record.”

“The DPC is committed to supporting the international digital preservation community for the development of effective practices and highly skilled workforces wherever they are in the world,” says Juan Bicarregui, Chair of the DPC. “We are therefore delighted to forge an international alliance with our colleagues at Harvard Library, and look forward to deepening our understanding of digital preservation within the academic community in the USA as a result.”

The DPC is an international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, helping its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.

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