The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as its newest associate member.
Based in Washington DC and with a dual mission to preserve and make available the permanent records of the government of the United States, NARA is custodian for physical and electronic federal records, with current electronic records comprising approximately 1.5 billion files.
The size of these holdings will increase dramatically after 2022, as new regulations require government agencies to stop transferring paper records and transfer born-digital or digitized records instead.
“The United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) values its participation in the international digital preservation community,” explains Leslie Johnston, Director of Digital Preservation for NARA. “Through our membership of the DPC, we look forward to participating in this community in order to develop best practicies, technology and standards.”
“NARA brings an enormous wealth of experience and expertise to the Coalition and we are delighted to welcome them into the Coalition," commented Juan Bicarregui, Chair of the DPC Board and Head of Data Division for UKRI-STFC. “DPC membership gives them an opportunity to amplify their messages about digital preservation, but also draw upon a growing body of expertise around the world. So, membership benefits NARA, but it also benefits everyone else in the worldwide digital preservation community which the DPC seeks to represent.”
The not-for-profit DPC is an international advocate for digital preservation. It helps its global membership deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, with accountable and transparent governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.
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