Added on 29 September 2023

Following requests for more time to work on submission proposals, the deadline for papers, lightning talks and workshop submissions has been extended to the 15 October 2023.

  • Papers - 15/10/23 

  • Lightning Talks - 15/10/23 

  • Workshops - 15/10/23 

  • Posters - 29/10/23 

Please visit the Call for Papers (opens in a new window) page to learn more about the sub-themes. 

Visit the Submissions page (opens in a new window) for information on categories of the conference, including a full list of submission templates and key dates for deadlines.

Registration is due to be opened at the end of October. To join the list of interested attendees, please email Al Wood <>.

For more information, please contact (opens in a new window).

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