Added on 9 February 2023

The Operational Preservation Systems Working Group will provide a regular forum for DPC Members to discuss issues relating to the everyday management, configuration and trouble shooting associated with digital preservation systems. It will provide an opportunity to share experiences, discuss good practice, and identify and address common problems. This Group is aimed at Members with established preservation systems - selecting or procuring a system is out of scope for this group.

For the purposes of this WG, a Preservation System is defined as the applications and tools used to preserve digital content that enact processes such as ingest, storage, preservation, and access. This might include (but is not limited to) those systems offered by DPC Supporters: Arkivum, Archivematica, Rosetta, Libnova and Preservica. Home grown, micro-service or open source systems will also be within scope.

This meeting will be centred on the theme of Exit Strategies. 

Terms of Reference for this Working Group can be found here (please log in to view).

You can register for this meeting here!

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