Added on 15 July 2020

The DPC is deepening its commitment to help members in a time of crisis.

From 1st August 2020, the DPC is launching a new support program in anticipation of the economic pressures that members are likely to face from the global COVID-19 pandemic.

As we have moved through the phases of COVID-19 pandemic, the DPC has responded swiftly and thoughtfully at each step: closing our offices before the lockdown began, moving all our operations online, launching a wealth of new resources, and opening up a new series of activities for members and partners around the Globe.  We have delivered – and in many ways exceeded - the commitment that we made that our members would leave the lockdown better connected and better skilled.  The DPC community is much greater than the sum of its parts, and members contribute much more than money to the cause.

“Our sense of community is stronger than ever. We believe that it is absolutely critical to do what we can to support and sustain that,” explains William Kilbride, Executive Director of the DPC. “As we prepare for the economic fallout of the prolonged and continuing lockdown, so we are establishing another program, this time offering financial support.”

Overseen by members of the DPC Executive Board, the Partnership and Sustainability Program is a mechanism to keep the community together through the economic fallout of the pandemic. It offers both organizational and personal support.

The organizational strand of the program will support members who are concerned about the financial commitments of membership. Support will be tailored to the circumstances of members who need help. The program is funded from surpluses and contingencies which the DPC set aside in the previous financial year.

At the same time, a personal strand will provide a commitment to individuals who may face redundancy in the coming years, whether because their employment is terminated or because significant changes to their personal circumstances mean they are no longer able to work. 

"We want colleagues to know that, even though we may all be facing challenges, we value the skills and experience that colleagues bring to the digital preservation community: and that the DPC will be a friend and ally to them throughout," William adds.  "We will shortly be able to offer a fixed term, no cost personal membership to any former member of the DPC who finds themselves out of work because of the pandemic.  In this way your personal competencies objectives and connections will be sustained as you find ways back into the labor market, and your personal contributions to the community can be maintained."

Members who would like to take advantage of the program or are unable to sustain their membership should email Alyson Campbell to arrange a discussion in the first instance. The sooner members get in touch the greater chance we have of being able to design the best option to help.

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