Added on 20 June 2024

DPC Members are invited to save the date for our first DPC Members Unconference event in Australasia and Asia-Pacific! This will be held in Canberra on Tuesday 15th October 2024.

Exclusively for DPC Members, the Unconference will be hosted by the National Archives of Australia and will run alongside the NFSA’s Fantastic Futures event that week. It will take place over the course of a full day. The event forms part of a worldwide program of Member networking activities which aims to offer events in locations in other parts of the world as scheduling permits.

In addition to meeting and networking with other members of the Coalition, we will have an exciting program of fast-paced member led talks and discussions, giving you the opportunity to take the floor and exchange ideas, showcase work and discuss key themes.

All DPC Members are invited to attend. Full Members can register up to 5 delegates and Associate Members can register 3 delegates for the DPC Members Unconference.

More information and an invitation for you to lead sessions at this event will open in August.

Until that time, please mark the date in your diary and if you have any queries, please contact me on

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