Added on 10 October 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes, Preserving Digital Art, by Patrícia Falcão of the Tate, available on general release today. 

"Digital Art is an important part of 21st century culture and collecting and preserving it is essential to understanding our world”, says the author. “However, its complexity and variety makes it a challenge to preserve, especially for organizations who have not worked with it before. My hope is that this new Guidance Note will help to demystify the preservation of digital art and empower more institutions to take the first steps to collect and preserve it."

The new Guidance Note is aimed at institutions starting to collect digital art as part of a wider collecting remit. It offers basic guidance on the specificities of digital art and how it may differ from other digital content in an institution’s care.TWGN Art

Whilst this Guidance Note provides an introduction to this topic, there is lots more conversation to be had and a huge amount of expertise in the community. To facilitate this discussion and tap into some of that expertise, we have arranged a #DPClinic session on Preserving Digital Art on the 24th of October. In this session we will hear from a panel of experts including the author of this new publication and there will be an opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions. Registration for this event is open now.

The Technology Watch publication series is just one of the ways the DPC supports the digital preservation community. An international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, the DPC helps its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a sustainable future for our digital assets.

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