Added on 14 June 2023

The DPC is a data partner to the UK Information Workforce Data Consortium which is pleased to publish the results of the 2023 Workforce Mapping Survey of the library, archives, records, information and knowledge sector.

This is published at a period of great change, disruption and rapid technological advancement in the sector which also includes records management, information management, data protection and knowledge management disciplines.

The survey was funded by the organisations within the consortium. They have an ambition to support their professional workforces, hence the need for access to up to date and accurate data. Key findings of the 2023 mapping report, which was commissioned by the Consortium from research specialists Kinetiq and the Local Government Association, include:

  • A predominantly female workforce - women comprise 75% of respondents

  • A highly experienced workforce - 40% have more than 20 years professional experience

  • Significant pay disparity - 30% earn less than £22k p.a., 20% earn more than £40k p.a.

  • Extensive insights into employee satisfaction in the workforce

  • Evidence relating to Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and pay equality


Over the coming weeks and months the consortium members will be responding in detail to the findings of the Workforce Mapping Survey from the perspective of their organisations.

Responding to the announcement, CILIP CEO Nick Poole commented,

“For the first time, the UK Information Workforce Data Consortium has brought organisations together from across the world of libraries, information, knowledge management, archives and records management to co-fund and lead this important survey.

 The findings are significant, and will inform both our collective work as a Consortium and our individual leadership role as organisations. We aim to maintain and grow this activity in the years to come, helping to ensure that the information professions can plan for the future based on robust evidence.”


John Chambers, Chief Executive of the Archives and Records Association (UK and Ireland) noted,

“As one of the co-convenors of the consortium alongside CILIP we thought it was vital to relook at workforce data post COVID-19 to understand the new landscape of work in our sector. There are many things in the initial findings which reinforce what we already knew anecdotally. We plan to examine the granular detail of the data more closely to see what actions we can take to improve on some of the areas highlighted as deficient – diversity being the most obvious example.”


This new 2023 survey builds on the previous workforce mapping published in 2015 by CILIP and ARA and lays the groundwork for future Workforce Mapping surveys co-funded by the consortium.  Read more about workforce mapping and download the full report via the CILIP website.

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