
Digital Preservation Launch at House of Commons Launch

Added on 27 February 2002

Press Release Number Two - 27th February 2002

Coalition launches at House of Commons to secure the future of digital material

27th February 2002 Embargoed until 8pm 27.02.02.  Coalition launches at House of Commons to secure the future of digital material

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) announced an action plan to ensure that the digital information we are producing is not lost to current and future generations.The key messages were:

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Memorandum of Understanding with National Library of Australia

Added on 1 December 2001

National Library of Australia and DPC sign Memorandum of Understanding

The DPC and NLA have signed a memorandum of understanding to work collaboratively on digital preservation activities and dissemination. PADI is a highly recommended international gateway for digital preservation developed by the National Library of Australia (NLA) with the guidance of an international advisory group.

The DPC and NLA jointly compile a quarterly 'What's New in Digital Preservation' electronic digest of selected new items added to PADI and to the JISCmail Digital-Preservation list.

In addition to pointing to padiforum-l, PADI's own discussion list for the exchange of news and ideas about digital preservation issues, PADI will also provide a direct link to the Digital-Preservation list archive from its News and Discussion area.

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DPC Signs memorandum with the NPO

Added on 22 October 2001

DPC signs Memorandum with the National Preservation Office

The aim of the National Preservation Office is to work in the broadest possible partnership to ensure a planned approach to preservation management for long term access to collections throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. To achieve this it works with preservation practitioners, collection managers, and in partnership with a broad range of organisations engaged in collection care.

The Digital Preservation Coalition and the National Preservation Office recognise their complementary roles and common interests in ensuring long term access to digital resources and collections. A Memorandum of Understanding has been drawn up in order to provide a cohesive and independent focus for their specific and joint activities.

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DPC Advent Calendar

Added on 1 January 1980

Ho Ho Ho! 'Tis the start of the holiday season and this year, the DPC team has created a very special Advent Calendar ....

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