
Edinburgh University joins the DPC

Added on 18 February 2013

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the Information Services of the University of Edinburgh at the as its newest member.

"The University of Edinburgh is a blend of an historic institution that has significant collections of diverse materials and a high-performing research intensive university'' explained John Scally, director of Library and Collections .  "These present us with a changing array of digital preservation requirements - from the digitisation of physical collections to the influx of new digital data in volumes previously not seen, often with unknown preservation expectations. We have recently included digital preservation as a significant strategic theme in our forward plans and are joining the DPC to assist us in the framing of a plan to address this important area."

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Digital Preservation Coalition and Nestor sign landmark co-operation agreement

Added on 15 February 2013

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and nestor, the German competence centre in long-term archiving, are delighted to announce a new alliance which allows them to share resources and enables their members to work together for the preservation of digital objects.

‘Nestor is a coalition of institutions in Germany, facilitated by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, with the goal of encouraging knowledge exchange and co-operation in of digital preservation,’ explained Sabine Schrimpf of nestor.. ‘Our work is not restricted to the national level. The partners maintain close links with corresponding initiatives in other countries and are actively involved in European and international initiatives and projects.  We’ve always understood that collaboration is important for digital preservation, and because it is an international challenge it makes sense to work with partners around the world.  We have a lot in common with DPC and we recognise that we can be more effective when we work together.’

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Library and Collections, Information Services, University of Edinburgh as its latest associate member

Added on 5 February 2013

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the Information Services of the University of Edinburgh at the as its newest member.

"The University of Edinburgh is a blend of an historic institution that has significant collections of diverse materials and a high-performing research intensive university'' explained John Scally, director of Library and Collections . "These present us with a changing array of digital preservation requirements - from the digitisation of physical collections to the influx of new digital data in volumes previously not seen, often with unknown preservation expectations. We have recently included digital preservation as a significant strategic theme in our forward plans and are joining the DPC to assist us in the framing of a plan to address this important area."

Richard Ovenden, chair of the Coalition, welcomed the University of Edinburgh to the DPC. ''We are delighted that they have decided to join us. Their membership will strengthen their work by giving them priority access to staff development, knowledge exchange and other leaders in the field. As well as seeking solutions, all our members bring expertise to the table: so this will strengthen the Coalition. The University of Edinburgh is our second new member since the start of 2013, a fact which underlines the demand for the mix of services which the DPC offers."

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Digital Repository of Ireland joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 4 February 2013

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the Digital Repository of Ireland as its newest member.

"The Digital Repository of Ireland is building an interactive and trusted national digital repository," explained Dr. Sandra Collins, Director of the DRI. "The repository will feature social and cultural data held by Irish institutions, from both contemporary and historical sources. We are working to raise awareness of the need for digital preservation and the benefits of open access, while respecting and acknowledging ownership, copyright, intellectual property rights, privacy and confidentiality."

"Joining the DPC means we can strengthen our relationships with others working in the field, work together in advocacy and awareness-raising, and participate in training and projects that help to build capacity in our sector."

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New report released: Digital Forensics and Preservation

Added on 14 January 2013

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to announce the release of ‘Digital Forensics and Preservation’ by Jeremy Leighton John of the British Library – the latest in its popular Technology Watch Report series.

‘Digital forensics is associated in many people’s minds primarily with criminal investigations’, explained the author, ‘but forensic methods have emerged as an essential source of tools and approaches for digital preservation, specifically for protecting and investigating evidence from the past.’ 

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New DPC Report on Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Preservation

Added on 12 October 2012

The Digital Preservation Coalition is today publishing the latest in its popular Technology Watch Reports ‘Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Preservation’ by Andrew Charlesworth of the University of Bristol.

Legal issues, in particular the process of obtaining copyright clearance for preservation and access of archived material, can contribute significantly to the cost and complexity of digital preservation. It is an area where the wider preservation community often needs to make its case with government and other legislators.

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DPC marks landmark 10th anniversary

Added on 8 October 2012

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) marks its landmark tenth year anniversary of its establishment at a reception at the Palace of Westminster today.

At this event, DPC Chairman Richard Ovenden and Lord MacNally, Minister of State for Justice, will celebrate the achievements of the Digital Preservation Coalition over the past ten years, but will also highlight the continuing risk to government, business, educational and cultural organisations and by society at large in failing to address the preservation of digital information. In his speech, Richard Ovenden points to major improvements that have been made in the past ten years but highlights recent studies which show how major data losses continue to be suffered:

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Technology Watch Report on Web Archving - Outline finalized

Added on 19 June 2012

The schedule and outline for a new DPC Technology Watch Report on Web Archiving is now available for consultation by members.  The full report is due for publication at the start of 2013. To see the outline, you first need to login or register, then download the outline.

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3 new Technology Watch Reports planned - Web Archiving, Preservation Metadata and Preserving CAD

Added on 14 May 2012

The Digital Preservation Coalition and Charles Beagrie Limited are delighted to announce the continuation of their collaboration, producing 3 more Technology Watch Reports.

 ‘5 Technology Watch Reports have already been produced – or are in production – and have been enthusiastically received by our members’, said William Kilbride of the DPC.  The next three will ensure that the production process continues through 2013 with themes and topics proposed and refined by DPC members to help them with digital preservation.’

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University of Manchester Library joins the DPC

Added on 11 May 2012

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the University of Manchester Library as its newest member.

'The University of Manchester Library has a strong interest in digital preservation at both a strategic and operational level,' explained Sandra Bracegirdle. 'We have recently carried out a significant review of our digital preservation work as we see this as a key issue for the Library. '

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